Xaml frame on a Tab : Frame « Windows Presentation Foundation « C# / CSharp Tutorial

    Title="VisualBrush Sample">

  <DockPanel Background="White">
    <TabControl Name="sampleSelector" Background="White" BorderBrush="Orange">

      <TabItem Header="Painting with Visuals" >
        <Frame Source="PaintingWithVisuals.xaml" Background="White" />            
      <TabItem Header="Magnifying Glass Example" >
        <Frame Source="MagnifyingGlassExample.xaml" Background="White" />            
      <TabItem Header="Reflection Example" >
        <Frame Source="ReflectionExample.xaml" Background="White" />            

WPF Xaml Frame On A Tab

24.64.1.Use Frame to Load another Xaml fileUse Frame to Load another Xaml file
24.64.2.Frame Navigation Demo WindowFrame Navigation Demo Window
24.64.3.Xaml frame on a TabXaml frame on a Tab
24.64.4.Use a Frame control to navigate to Web pages and a Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) page.Use a Frame control to navigate to Web pages and a Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) page.
24.64.5.Put a Frame tag onto a Window to host a pagePut a Frame tag onto a Window to host a page
24.64.6.Navigate Frame to a xaml documentNavigate Frame to a xaml document
24.64.7.Navigate Frame to a URLNavigate Frame to a URL
24.64.8.Get the Resize Frame Vertical Border Width
24.64.9.Get the Resize Frame Horizontal Border Height