Rules of Using Internal Frames : JInternalFrame « Swing « Java Tutorial

  1. You must set the size of the internal frame.
  2. You should set the location of the internal frame.

Dialogs that are internal frames should be implemented using JOptionPane or JInternalFrame, not JDialog. To create a simple dialog, you can use the JOptionPane showInternalXxxDialog methods.

Internal frames fire internal frame events, not window events.

14.53.1.Rules of Using Internal Frames
14.53.2.JInternalFrame style: Not Resizable, Not Closable, Not Maximizable, Not IconifiableJInternalFrame style: Not Resizable, Not Closable, Not Maximizable, Not Iconifiable
14.53.3.DragMode: JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODEDragMode: JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE
14.53.4.JInternalFrame: JInternalFrame.isPaletteJInternalFrame: JInternalFrame.isPalette
14.53.5.Listening to InternalFrameListenerListening to InternalFrameListener
14.53.6.JInternalFrame Property Constants
14.53.7.Demonstrating the use of the constants within a PropertyChangeListener.Demonstrating the use of the constants within a PropertyChangeListener.
14.53.8.Customizing a JInternalFrame Look and Feel
14.53.9.Customizing JInternalFrame.DesktopIcon Look and Feel