Http Constants : HttpURLConnection « Network « Java Tutorial

 * Copyright 2007 Outerthought bvba and Schaubroeck nv
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

public class HttpConstants {
    public final static String GET = "GET",
            POST = "POST",
            HEAD = "HEAD",
            PUT = "PUT",
            OPTIONS = "OPTIONS",
            DELETE = "DELETE";

    // These are copy-pasted from the Jetty codebase
    public final static int
            _100_Continue = 100,
            _101_Switching_Protocols = 101,
            _102_Processing = 102,
            _200_OK = 200,
            _201_Created = 201,
            _202_Accepted = 202,
            _203_Non_Authoritative_Information = 203,
            _204_No_Content = 204,
            _205_Reset_Content = 205,
            _206_Partial_Content = 206,
            _207_Multi_Status = 207,
            _300_Multiple_Choices = 300,
            _301_Moved_Permanently = 301,
            _302_Moved_Temporarily = 302,
            _302_Found = 302,
            _303_See_Other = 303,
            _304_Not_Modified = 304,
            _305_Use_Proxy = 305,
            _400_Bad_Request = 400,
            _401_Unauthorized = 401,
            _402_Payment_Required = 402,
            _403_Forbidden = 403,
            _404_Not_Found = 404,
            _405_Method_Not_Allowed = 405,
            _406_Not_Acceptable = 406,
            _407_Proxy_Authentication_Required = 407,
            _408_Request_Timeout = 408,
            _409_Conflict = 409,
            _410_Gone = 410,
            _411_Length_Required = 411,
            _412_Precondition_Failed = 412,
            _413_Request_Entity_Too_Large = 413,
            _414_Request_URI_Too_Large = 414,
            _415_Unsupported_Media_Type = 415,
            _416_Requested_Range_Not_Satisfiable = 416,
            _417_Expectation_Failed = 417,
            _422_Unprocessable_Entity = 422,
            _423_Locked = 423,
            _424_Failed_Dependency = 424,
            _500_Internal_Server_Error = 500,
            _501_Not_Implemented = 501,
            _502_Bad_Gateway = 502,
            _503_Service_Unavailable = 503,
            _504_Gateway_Timeout = 504,
            _505_HTTP_Version_Not_Supported = 505,
            _507_Insufficient_Storage = 507,
            _999_Unknown = 999;

    public final static String
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML = "text/html",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_XML = "text/xml",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML_8859_1 = "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN_8859_1 = "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_XML_8859_1 = "text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML_UTF_8 = "text/html; charset=utf-8",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8 = "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
            MIMETYPE_TEXT_XML_UTF_8 = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";

19.6.1.Get the date of a url connection
19.6.2.Get the document expiration date
19.6.3.Get the document Last-modified date
19.6.4.Show the content type
19.6.5.Show the content length
19.6.6.Display request method
19.6.7.Get response code
19.6.8.Display response message
19.6.9.Display header information
19.6.10.Download and display the content
19.6.11.A Web Page Source Viewer
19.6.12.Reading from a URLConnection
19.6.13.Use BufferedReader to read content from a URL
19.6.14.Check if a page exists
19.6.15.Identify ourself to a proxy
19.6.16.Connect through a Proxy can be used to send the credentials when needed
19.6.18.Read data from a URL
19.6.19.Dump a page using the HTTPS protocol
19.6.20.Save URL contents to a file
19.6.21.Http connection Utilities
19.6.22.Parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers.
19.6.23.Last Modified
19.6.24.URL connection and proxy
19.6.25.Http Constants
19.6.26.Http Header Helper
19.6.27.A utility class for parsing HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers