Catch Error : Exception « JSTL « Java Tutorial


<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>

<h1>Peter's Junk-Mail Service</h1>

<c:if test="${param.submitted}">
  <c:if test="${empty}" var="noName" />
  <c:if test="${empty}" var="noEmail" />
  <c:if test="${empty param.age}" var="noAge" />

  <c:catch var="ageError">
    <fmt:parseNumber var="parsedAge" value="${param.age}" />
    <c:if test="${parsedAge < 13}" var="youngAge" />
  <c:if test="${not empty ageError}" var="badAge" />

   test="${not (noName or noEmail or noAge or badAge or youngAge)}">
    <c:set value="${}" var="name" scope="request"/>
    <c:set value="${}" var="email" scope="request"/>
    <c:set value="${param.age}" var="age" scope="request"/>
    <jsp:forward page="spamFormHandler.jsp" />

<form method="post">
  Thanks for signing up for our junk-mail service.
  Once you submit your information on the form below,
  you'll begin to receive all the "spam" you ever wanted.

  <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="true" />

  Enter your name:
  <input type="text" name="name"
    value="<c:out value="${}"/>" />
  <br />
  <c:if test="${noName}">
   <small><font color="red">
     Note: you must enter a name

  Enter your email address:
  <input type="text" name="email"
    value="<c:out value="${}"/>" />
  <br />
  <c:if test="${noEmail}">
   <small><font color="red">
     Note: you must enter an email address

  Enter your age:
  <input type="text" name="age" size="3"
    value="<c:out value="${param.age}"/>" />
  <br />
    <c:when test="${noAge}">
     <small><font color="red">
       Note: you must enter your age
    <c:when test="${badAge}">
     <small><font color="red">
       Note: I couldn't decipher the age you typed in
    <c:when test="${youngAge}">
     <small><font color="red">
       Note: You're too young to receive pornographic
       junk mail.  Please grow older and try again.

  <input type="submit" value="Sign up" />



<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>

 <font face="arial">
  Excellent!  The information is now correct.  (We could save it in a
  database or process it further.)
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24.13.1.Generate Exception in c:out
24.13.2.C:Catch Exception
24.13.3.Catch Exception and Print Out Exception Message
24.13.4.Catch Exception
24.13.5.Catch Error