The FileHandler is able to write to a single file, or write to a rotating set of files as each file reaches a specified maximum size. : Log « Log « Java Tutorial

The next number in a sequence is added to the end of the name of each rotating file, unless a generation (sequence) pattern is specified elsewhere.

The properties for the FileHandler are listed in the following table.

Property NameDescriptionDefault Value
FileHandler.levelLog level for the handler.Level.INFO
FileHandler.filterFilter to use.undefined
FileHandler.formatterFormatter to
FileHandler.encodingCharacter set encoding to use.Default platform encoding
FileHandler.limitSpecifies approximate maximum number of bytes to write to a file. 0 means no limit.0
FileHandler.countSpecifies how many output files to cycle through.1
FileHandler.patternPattern used to generate output filenames.%h/java%u.log
FileHandler.appendBoolean value specifying whether to append to an existing file or overwrite it.false

35.1.1.A full list of levels.
35.1.2.Logging a Method Call
35.1.3.Logging an Exception
35.1.4.The StreamHandler serves chiefly as a base class for all handlers that write log messages to some OutputStream.
35.1.5.The ConsoleHandler writes log messages to System.err.
35.1.6.The SocketHandler writes log messages to the network over a specified TCP port.
35.1.7.The FileHandler is able to write to a single file, or write to a rotating set of files as each file reaches a specified maximum size.
35.1.8.The FileHandler class supports filename patterns.
35.1.9.The MemoryHandler is a circular buffer in memory.
35.1.10.The ErrorManager
35.1.11.Information Logging
35.1.12.Log to a file
35.1.13.Guaranteeing proper class and method names
35.1.14.Preventing a Logger from Forwarding Log Records to Its Parent