Getting and Setting a Text Object's value Property : Text TextField « Form « JavaScript Tutorial

<title>Text Object value Property</title> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
function upperMe() { 
    var field = document.forms[0].converter; 
    var upperCaseVersion = field.value.toUpperCase(); 
    field.value = upperCaseVersion; 
<form onsubmit="return false"> 
<input type="text" name="converter" value="sample" onchange="upperMe()"> 

10.15.Text TextField
10.15.1.Retrieving Text in form button action
10.15.2.Displaying the value entered in a text field
10.15.3.TextField requests focus
10.15.4.onFocus event handler
10.15.5.Capture key event in a textfield
10.15.6.TextField onblur action event
10.15.7.TextArea onmouseup action event
10.15.8.Refresh the TextField box automatically
10.15.9.Compare the value in text field
10.15.10.Select all text in a TextBox
10.15.11.Text Input Events
10.15.12.Compare the value in TextField
10.15.13.Getting and Setting a Text Object's value Property
10.15.14.Resetting a Text Object to Default Value