Text Input Events : Text TextField « Form « JavaScript Tutorial

   <TITLE>Text Input Events</TITLE>

function handler(e){
   if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
      e = window.event;
      alert("Event Type: " + e.type);
      if (e.keyCode) 
         alert("Keycode: " + String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode));
      if (e.altKey) 
         alert("Alt Key: " + e.altKey);
      if (e.ctrlKey) 
         alert("Ctrl Key: " + e.ctrlKey);
      if (e.shiftKey) 
         alert("Shift Key: " + e.shiftKey);
   } else {
      alert("Event Type: " + e.type);
      if (e.target) 
         alert("Target: " + Object.prototype.toString.apply(e.target));
      if (e.target.name) 
         alert("Target Name: " +  e.target.name);
      if (e.which) 
         alert("Which: " +  String.fromCharCode(e.which));
      if (e.modifiers) 
         alert("Modifiers: " +  e.modifiers);

function startForm(){
   //document.theForm.userLname.onblur = handler;
   document.theForm.userLname.onchange = handler;
   //document.theForm.userLname.onfocus = handler;
   document.theForm.userLname.onkeydown = handler;
   document.theForm.userLname.onkeypress = handler;
   document.theForm.userLname.onkeyup = handler;

<FORM name="theForm">
Enter Your First Name:
<INPUT type=text name="userLname">
<INPUT type=button name="theButton" value="START" onClick="startForm();">

10.15.Text TextField
10.15.1.Retrieving Text in form button action
10.15.2.Displaying the value entered in a text field
10.15.3.TextField requests focus
10.15.4.onFocus event handler
10.15.5.Capture key event in a textfield
10.15.6.TextField onblur action event
10.15.7.TextArea onmouseup action event
10.15.8.Refresh the TextField box automatically
10.15.9.Compare the value in text field
10.15.10.Select all text in a TextBox
10.15.11.Text Input Events
10.15.12.Compare the value in TextField
10.15.13.Getting and Setting a Text Object's value Property
10.15.14.Resetting a Text Object to Default Value