Get next value from sequence : Value « Sequences « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> create table emp(
  2           emp_id                integer         primary key
  3          ,lastname               varchar2(20)    not null
  4          ,firstname              varchar2(15)    not null
  5          ,midinit                varchar2(1)
  6          ,street                 varchar2(30)
  7          ,city                   varchar2(20)
  8          ,state                  varchar2(2)
  9          ,zip                    varchar2(5)
 10          ,shortZipCode                   varchar2(4)
 11          ,area_code              varchar2(3)
 12          ,phone                  varchar2(8)
 13          ,company_name           varchar2(50));

Table created.

SQL> create sequence s_emp_id
  2  start with 1000;

Sequence created.

SQL> insert into emp (emp_id, lastname, firstname)
  2  values   (s_emp_id.nextval, 'Einstein', 'Albert');

1 row created.

SQL> drop table emp;

Table dropped.

SQL> drop sequence s_emp_id;

Sequence dropped.

5.6.1.Set start value, mini/max value and cache
5.6.2.Once initialized, you can get the current value from the sequence using currval.
5.6.3.When you select currval , nextval remains unchanged; nextval only changes when you select nextval to get the next value.
5.6.4.Query current sequence value
5.6.5.Get next value from sequence deptno_seq.currval, deptno_seq.nextval
5.6.7.Automatically including unique sequence numbers during an INSERT.
5.6.8.Use dual table to check sequence
5.6.9.Random value based on sequence
5.6.10.If id is null, use the value from sequence