Time Interval Related Functions : Introduction « Date Timestamp Functions « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

NUMTODSINTERVAL(x, interval_unit)Converts the number x to an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND with the interval for x supplied in interval_unit, which you may set to DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND.
NUMTOYMINTERVAL(x, interval_unit)Converts the number x to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH with the interval for x supplied in interval_unit, which you may set to YEAR or MONTH.
TO_DSINTERVAL(x)Converts the string x to an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND.
TO_YMINTERVAL(x)Converts the string x to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH.

13.1.1.Using Datetime Functions
13.1.2.Timestamp-Related Functions
13.1.3.Time Interval Related Functions
13.1.4.Date Functions
13.1.6.select date '1954-08-11' + 10000 as 10,000 days
13.1.7.Differences Between Dates