BOOLEAN : Boolean « PL SQL Data Types « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

The BOOLEAN datatype is used to store true/false values.

Its range is only the two values, true and false.

The Syntax for the BOOLEAN Datatype

variable_name BOOLEAN;

Here are some examples:

hired_fired_same_day BOOLEAN;
birthday_is_today BOOLEAN;
print_this_record BOOLEAN;

Boolean variables are often used as flag variables.

Boolean variables are also used to store the results of logical calculations.

For example,

isTrue := (emp_birthdate = trunc(sysdate))

21.13.2.Boolean literals
21.13.3.Boolean variables can be assigned either directly by using values TRUE, FALSE, or NULL or as the results of logical expressions
21.13.4.How to assign a TRUE value to a variable of type boolean
21.13.5.Use BOOLEAN type variable
21.13.6.Use 'and' to connect two boolean expressions
21.13.7.Demonstrates the effects of NULLs on Boolean expressions
21.13.8.Boolean type parameter
21.13.9.Exit when a boolean conditioin
21.13.10.Logic operator and boolean value