REPLACE : CHAR VARCHAR2 Functions « PL SQL Data Types « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

The REPLACE functions transforms text by using the specified pattern:

v_tx:= replace(string,search[,replacement]);
SQL> declare
  2      v1_tx VARCHAR2(20):='To be or not to be';
  3      v2_tx VARCHAR2(20);
  4  begin
  5      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Before: ' || v1_tx);
  6      v2_tx:= replace (v1_tx,'be','eat');
  7      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('After: ' || v2_tx);
  8    end;
  9  /
Before: To be or not to be
After: To eat or not to eat

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

If you don't specify the third parameter, Oracle just removes all occurrences of the search string.

This is very useful if you want to remove all the spaces from the text.

21.5.CHAR VARCHAR2 Functions
21.5.1.Useful character built-in functions
21.5.2.Compare char type value with blank space
21.5.3.Compare char type value with 'trim'
21.5.4.The most useful character specifications are
21.5.8.Use the SUBSTR and INSTR at the same time.
21.5.11.PAD, RPAD, LPAD
21.5.13.Extending your options with regular expressions
21.5.14.A Better Routine to Check Social Security Numbers