EXIT a LOOP for a certain condition : Loop « PL SQL Statements « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> set echo on
  2          v_Radius NUMBER := 2;
  3     BEGIN
  4          LOOP
  5               DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The AREA of the circle is ' ||
  6                                     v_RADIUS*v_RADIUS * mypi);
  7               v_Radius := v_Radius + 2;
  8               EXIT WHEN v_Radius > 10;
  9          END LOOP;
 10    END;
 11  /
The AREA of the circle is 12.56
The AREA of the circle is 50.24
The AREA of the circle is 113.04
The AREA of the circle is 200.96
The AREA of the circle is 314

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

22.3.2.Simple Loops
22.3.4.Count up by hundreds until we get an error
22.3.5.The EXIT WHEN statement can appear anywhere in the loop code.
22.3.6.Exit a LOOP
22.3.7.EXIT a LOOP for a certain condition
22.3.8.Nested loops: Loop inside of a Loop
22.3.9.Exiting from Nested Loops
22.3.10.Using Labels and EXIT Statements with Loops
22.3.11.Creating a REPEAT...UNTIL Loop
22.3.12.Use LOOP to insert data to a table
22.3.13.Fetch Cursor data in LOOP
22.3.14.A SQL Replacement for Regular Loops
22.3.15.Named loop block