ORA_DICT_OBJ_OWNER_LIST returns the number of elements in the list indexed by a PLS_INTEGER datatype. : ORA « PL SQL Programming « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

  2    owner_list DBMS_STANDARD.ORA_NAME_LIST_T;
  3    counter    PLS_INTEGER;
  4  BEGIN
  5    IF ora_sysevent = 'ASSOCIATE_STATISTICS' THEN
  6      counter := ora_dict_obj_owner_list(owner_list);
  7      dbms_output.put_line('counter:'||counter);
  8    END IF;
  9  END;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


24.28.1.ORA_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS returns the client IP address as a VARCHAR2 datatype.
24.28.2.ORA_DES_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD returns the DES-encrypted password as a VARCHAR2 datatype
24.28.3.ORA_DICT_OBJ_NAME returns an object name as a VARCHAR2 datatype
24.28.4.ORA_DICT_OBJ_NAME_LIST: list of object names touched by the triggering event.
24.28.5.ORA_DICT_OBJ_OWNER returns an owner of the object acted upon by the event as a VARCHAR2 datatype.
24.28.6.ORA_DICT_OBJ_OWNER_LIST returns the number of elements in the list indexed by a PLS_INTEGER datatype.
24.28.7.ORA_DICT_OBJ_TYPE returns the datatype of the dictionary object changed by the event as a VARCHAR2 datatype.
24.28.8.ORA_GRANTEE returns the number of elements in the list indexed by a PLS_INTEGER datatype.
24.28.9.ORA_INSTANCE_NUM returns the current database instance number as a NUMBER datatype.
24.28.10.ORA_IS_ALTER_COLUMN returns a true or false value as a BOOLEAN datatype
24.28.11.ORA_IS_CREATING_NESTED_TABLE returns a true or false value as a BOOLEAN datatype when you create a table with a nested table.
24.28.12.ORA_LOGIN_USER function returns the current schema name as a VARCHAR2 datatype.
24.28.13.ORA_PRIVILEGE_LIST returns the number of elements in the list indexed by a PLS_INTEGER datatype.
24.28.14.ORA_SERVER_ERROR returns an error number as a NUMBER datatype.
24.28.15.ORA_SERVER_ERROR_MSG returns an error message text as a VARCHAR2 datatype.
24.28.16.ORA_SYSEVENT function returns the system event that was responsible for firing the trigger as a VARCHAR2 datatype.
24.28.17.ORA_WITH_GRANT_OPTION returns a true or false value as a BOOLEAN datatype.