Use user-defined type in insert statement : Insert « Object Oriented « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

SQL> create type addressType as object
  2  (Street  VARCHAR2(50),
  3   City    VARCHAR2(25),
  4   State   CHAR(2),
  5   Zip     NUMBER);
  6  /
SQL> create type personType as object
  2  (Name     VARCHAR2(25),
  3   Address  addressType);
  4  /
SQL> create table CUSTOMER(
  2    cid  NUMBER,
  3    Person       personType
  4  );
SQL> insert into CUSTOMER values(1,personType('SomeName',addressType('Street','City','ST',11111)));
SQL> insert into CUSTOMER values(1,personType('SomeName',addressType('Street2','City2','ST',11111)));
SQL> drop type personType force;
SQL> drop type addressType force;
SQL> drop table CUSTOMER;

32.12.1.Inserting Rows into the Table with object type column
32.12.2.Inserting a row of object into an object table
32.12.3.Inserting a row into an object table by supplying the values in the same way in a relational
32.12.4.INSERT Values into a Table with the Column Type in It
32.12.5.Object Relational tables
32.12.6.INSERT object instance by calling its constructor
32.12.7.Reference column name in an object table
32.12.8.Insert value to a table with 'table of custom type' as table column type
32.12.9.Reference type constructor in insert statement
32.12.10.Use user-defined type in insert statement
32.12.11.Insert statement with nested type