Creating and accessing tuples. : Assign « Tuple « Python Tutorial

hour = 1
minute = 2
second = 3

currentTime = hour, minute, second   # create tuple

print "The value of currentTime is:", currentTime

print "The number of seconds since midnight is", \
   ( currentTime[ 0 ] * 3600 + currentTime[ 1 ] * 60 + currentTime[ 2 ] )

6.2.1.How to Create and Assign Tuples
6.2.2.How to Update Tuples
6.2.3.Creation, Repetition, Concatenation
6.2.4.joining their elements together
6.2.5.containing mutable objects that can be changed.
6.2.6.Creating and accessing tuples.
6.2.7.Unpacking sequences.