Common operator overloading methods : Introduction « Class « Python Tutorial

Method              Overloads                   Called for

__init__            Constructor                 Object creation: X = Class( )
__del__             Destructor                  Object reclamation
__add__             Operator +                  X + Y, X += Y
__or__              Operator | (bitwise OR)     X | Y, X |= Y
__repr__,__str__    Printing, conversions       print X, repr(X), str(X)
__call__            Function calls              X( )
__getattr__         Qualification               X.undefined
__setattr__         Attribute assignment        X.any = value
__getitem__         Indexing                    X[key], for loops and other iterations if no _ _iter_ _
__setitem__         Index assignment            X[key] = value
__len__             Length                      len(X), truth tests
__cmp__             Comparison                  X == Y, X < Y
__lt__              Specific comparison         X < Y (or else __cmp__)
__eq__              Specific comparison         X == Y (or else __cmp__)
__radd__            Right-side operator +       Noninstance + X
__iadd__            In-place addition           X += Y (or else __add__)
__iter__            Iteration contexts          for loops, in tests, list comprehensions, map, others

11.1.1.Common operator overloading methods
11.1.2.Double Underscore __
11.1.3.Special Class Attributes
11.1.4.__dict__ is a dictionary representing its attributes:
11.1.5.Special Instance Attributes
11.1.6.Built-in Type Attributes
11.1.7.Metaclass Example
11.1.8.Related Modules and Documentation