Constructor with default parameter : Constructor « Class « Python Tutorial

class grocery:
    def __init__(self, name, quantity=1): = name
        self.quantity = quantity

items = {}
items['A'] = grocery('A')
items['B'] = grocery('B',2)

for item in items.keys():
  print "Grocery : ", items[item].name,
  print "\tQuantity: ", items[item].quantity

11.8.1.specify any necessary parameters to the __init__() function
11.8.2.Constructors: __init__
11.8.3.give the constructor some parameters to work with
11.8.4.Set properties when constructed
11.8.5.Overriding the Constructor
11.8.6.If you want the base class __init__() invoked
11.8.7.Class Time with default constructor.
11.8.8.Constructor with default parameter
11.8.9.Calling Superclass Constructors