Binary file download 2 : ftp « Network « Python Tutorial

from ftplib import FTP
import sys, getpass, os.path

host, username, localfile, remotepath = sys.argv[1:]
password = getpass.getpass("Enter password for %s on %s: " % (username, host))
f = FTP(host)
f.login(username, password)

fd = open(localfile, 'rb')
f.storbinary('STOR %s' % os.path.basename(localfile), fd)


21.24.1.Using Python to Fetch Files from an FTP Server
21.24.2.Interactive FTP Example
21.24.3.FTP Download Example
21.24.4.Binary file download
21.24.5.ASCII file download
21.24.6.Binary file upload
21.24.7.Binary file download 2
21.24.8.Basic FTP connection
21.24.9.File dir() example
21.24.10.Parse return value from dir() function
21.24.11.FTP nlst example
21.24.12.nlst() with file/directory detection example