What is the output(bit masking)? : Questions « Operators « SCJP

public class MainClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      int mask = 0;
      int count = 0;
      if( ((5<7) || (++count < 10)) | mask++ < 10 )   mask = mask + 1;
      if(  (6 > 8) ^ false)                           mask = mask + 10;
      if( !(mask > 1) && ++count > 1)                 mask = mask + 100;
      System.out.println(mask + " " + count);

2.13.1.May a class reference appear on the left-hand side of an instanceof operator?
2.13.2.Answer: left-hand side of instanceof operator
2.13.3.May a class appear on the left-hand side of an instanceof operator?
2.13.4.Answer: left-hand side instanceof operator
2.13.5.What is the result(tenary operator)?
2.13.6.Answer: tenary operator
2.13.7.What is the result(command line arguments)?
2.13.8.Answer: command line arguments
2.13.9.What is the result(string Concatenation)?
2.13.10.Answer: string Concatenation
2.13.11.What is the result(Multidimensional arrays)?
2.13.12.Answer: Multidimensional arrays
2.13.13.What is the result(for-each iteration)?
2.13.14.Answer: for-each iteration
2.13.15.What is the output(boolean and logical operators)?
2.13.16.Answer: boolean and logical operators
2.13.17.What is the output(bit masking)?
2.13.18.Answer: bit masking
2.13.19.What is the result(instanceof operator)?
2.13.20.Answer: instanceof operator