What is the result of trying to compile and run this code? : Questions « File « SCJP

1. URL newU = new URL( "aURL" ) ;
2. RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile( newU );

A.  The compiler objects to the constructor in line 2.
B.  The compiler objects to the constructor in line 1.
C.  The code compiles but gets a security exception when it runs.
D.  The code compiles and the RandomAccessFile is created when it runs.

9.7.1.What happens to the file system when the following code is run and the myFile object is created?
9.7.2.Answer: file object and file instance
9.7.3.What is the result of trying to compile and run this code?
9.7.4.Answer: url and RandomAccessFile
9.7.5.System.out is a PrintStream(True/False).
9.7.6.Answer: System.out stream
9.7.7.System.out is an OutputStream(True/False).
9.7.8.Answer: System.out(2)
9.7.9.System.out is a FilterOutputStream(True/False).
9.7.10.Answer: System.out(3)
9.7.11.Which of the following objects can't be used in the constructor of a DataInputStream object?
9.7.12.Answer: DataInputStream
9.7.13.Which of the following Java entities are not abstract classes or interfaces?
9.7.14.Answer: abstract class and I/O classes