If with And : If « Statements « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System

Public Class Test

     Shared Sub Main()
        Dim dtCurrent As System.DateTime
        Dim iHour As Integer

        dtCurrent = dtCurrent.Now()
        iHour = dtCurrent.Hour

        If (iHour < 12) Then
            Console.Writeline("Good Morning!")
        ElseIf (iHour >= 12) And (iHour < 18) Then
            Console.WriteLine("Good Afternoon!")
            Console.WriteLine("Good Evening!")
        End If
    End Sub

End Class
Good Afternoon!

4.1.1.If with And
4.1.2.Use if statement to compare Integer
4.1.3.Nested if statement
4.1.4.Use ElseIf
4.1.5.Else If (Not ELSEIF)
4.1.6.Use If statement in a For statement
4.1.8.Single line vs Multi-line If statement
4.1.9.If statement Short Circuiting
4.1.10.If Short Circuiting with ANDALSO