Use if statement to compare Integer : If « Statements « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System
 Module Module1

    Sub Main( )

       Dim valueOne As Integer = 10
       Dim valueTwo As Integer = 20
       Dim valueThree As Integer = 30

       If valueOne > valueTwo Then
          Console.WriteLine("ValueOne: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}", valueOne, valueTwo)
       End If

       If valueThree > valueTwo Then
          Console.WriteLine("ValueThree: {0} larger than ValueTwo: {1}",valueThree, valueTwo)
       End If

       If valueTwo > 15 Then 
            Console.WriteLine("Yes it is")
       End If
    End Sub 'Main
 End Module
ValueThree: 30 larger than ValueTwo: 20
Yes it is

4.1.1.If with And
4.1.2.Use if statement to compare Integer
4.1.3.Nested if statement
4.1.4.Use ElseIf
4.1.5.Else If (Not ELSEIF)
4.1.6.Use If statement in a For statement
4.1.8.Single line vs Multi-line If statement
4.1.9.If statement Short Circuiting
4.1.10.If Short Circuiting with ANDALSO