Linear search of an array : Array Sort Reverse « Collections « VB.Net Tutorial

Public Class Tester
    Public Shared Sub Main
      Dim array1 As Integer() = New Integer(19) {}

      Dim randomNumber As Random = New Random()
      Dim i As Integer

      ' creates string containing 11 random numbers
      For i = 0 To array1.GetUpperBound(0)
         array1(i) = randomNumber.Next(1000)
         Console.Write ( array1(i) & " ")

      Dim searchKey As Integer = 12
      Dim element As Integer = LinearSearch(searchKey, array1)

      If element <> -1 Then
         Console.WriteLine("Found Value in index " & element)
         Console.WriteLine("Value Not Found")
      End If

    End Sub
    Shared Function LinearSearch(ByVal key As Integer, _
      ByVal numbers As Integer()) As Integer

      Dim n As Integer

      ' structure iterates linearly through array
      For n = 0 To numbers.GetUpperBound(0)

         If numbers(n) = key Then
            Return n
         End If


      Return -1
   End Function ' LinearSearch

End Class
269 875 968 591 930 801 98 760 596 715 433 655 902 602 257 186 470 856 277 109
Value Not Found

8.6.Array Sort Reverse
8.6.1.Reverse the contents of an array
8.6.2.Array Reverse and Sort
8.6.4.Array.Sort and Array.IndexOf
8.6.5.Linear search of an array
8.6.6.Demonstrating binary search of an array
8.6.7.Sort only part of the Array
8.6.8.Sort the values in an Array using the default comparer and a custom comparer that reverses the sort order.
8.6.9.Sort<(Of <(T>)>)(array[]()[]) and BinarySearch<(Of <(T>)>)(array[]()[], T)
8.6.10.Sort two associated arrays where the first array contains keys and the second array contains values
8.6.11.Determine the index of the first occurrence of a specified element.
8.6.12.Three generic overloads of the LastIndexOf method from Array