Change Form Size : Form Properties « GUI « VB.Net Tutorial

Change Form Size
imports System
imports System.Drawing
imports System.Windows.Forms

public class ControlSizeLocation : inherits Form
  Private WithEvents btnShow as Button
  Private WithEvents btnChange as Button

  public sub New()
    BackColor = Color.LightBlue
    ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
    Size = new Size(350,200)

    btnShow = new Button()
    btnShow.Location = new Point(50,50)
    btnShow.Size = new Size(100,23)
    btnShow.Text = "Show"
    btnShow.Parent = me

    btnChange = new Button()
    btnChange.Location = new Point(200,50)
    btnChange.Size = new Size(100,23)
    btnChange.Text = "Change"
    btnChange.Parent = me
  end sub

  public shared sub Main() 
    Application.Run(new ControlSizeLocation())
  end sub

  private sub btnShow_Click(ByVal sender as object,ByVal e as EventArgs) Handles btnShow.Click
    Console.WriteLine("Button Bottom:  " + btnShow.Bottom.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button Top:  " + btnShow.Top.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button Left:  " + btnShow.Left.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button Right:  " + btnShow.Right.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button Location: " + btnShow.Location.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button Width:  " + btnShow.Width.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button Height:  " + btnShow.Height.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button Size:  " + btnShow.Size.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Button ClientSize:  " + btnShow.ClientSize.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Form Size:  " + me.Size.ToString())
    Console.WriteLine("Form ClientSize: " + me.ClientSize.ToString())
  end sub

  private sub btnChange_Click(ByVal sender as object,ByVal e as EventArgs)Handles btnChange.Click
    me.Size = new Size(800,200)
  end sub
end class

14.53.Form Properties
14.53.1.Override the DefaultSize property to gain better performanceOverride the DefaultSize property to gain better performance
14.53.2.Change Form SizeChange Form Size
14.53.3.Change Form Size, Text, Background Color and button fontChange Form Size, Text, Background Color and button font
14.53.4.Set Form Background colorSet Form Background color
14.53.5.Form Opacity
14.53.6.Blue 25 Percent OpaqueBlue 25 Percent Opaque
14.53.7.Set Form background image
14.53.8.Set TransparencyKey
14.53.9.Transparent Form: Opacity = 0.66