TabControl and TabPages : TabControl « GUI « VB.Net Tutorial

TabControl and TabPages
imports System
imports System.Drawing
imports System.Windows.Forms

public class TabControls : inherits Form
  public sub New()
    Size = new Size(325,375)

    dim tc as new TabControl()
    tc.Parent = me
    tc.Size = new Size(275,300)
    tc.Location = new Point(25,25)
    tc.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top or AnchorStyles.Bottom or AnchorStyles.Left or AnchorStyles.Right
    tc.Alignment = TabAlignment.Top
    tc.Appearance = TabAppearance.Normal
    tc.HotTrack = true
    tc.Multiline = true
    tc.Padding = new Point(20,3)
    tc.SizeMode = TabSizeMode.FillToRight
    AddHandler tc.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf tc_Changed
    tc.Text = "Some text"

    dim img as Image = Image.FromFile("1.ico")
    dim imgList as new ImageList()
    tc.ImageList = imgList

    dim tpAddress as new TabPage()
    tpAddress.Parent = tc
    tpAddress.Text = "Address Book"

    dim tpDates as new TabPage()
    tpDates.Parent = tc
    tpDates.Text = "Date Book"

    dim tpToDo as new TabPage()
    tpToDo.Parent = tc
    tpToDo.Text = "ToDo List"

    dim tpMisc as new TabPage()
    tpMisc.Parent = tc
    tpMisc.Text = "A Really Long Tab"
    tpMisc.ImageIndex = 0

    dim lbl as new Label()
    lbl.Parent = tpAddress
    lbl.Text = "Put the Address book controls on this page."
    lbl.AutoSize = true
    lbl.Location = new Point(10,25)

    dim pnl as new Panel()
    pnl.Parent = tpDates
    pnl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
    pnl.Location = new Point(10,10)
    pnl.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top or AnchorStyles.Bottom or _
          AnchorStyles.Left or AnchorStyles.Right
    pnl.Size = new Size(tpDates.Width - 20, tpDates.Height - 20)

    dim cal as new MonthCalendar()
    cal.Parent = pnl
    cal.Location = new Point(25,25)

    dim rtxt as new RichTextBox()
    rtxt.Parent = tpToDo
    rtxt.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
    rtxt.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
  end sub

  public shared sub Main() 
    Application.Run(new TabControls())
  end sub

  private sub tc_Changed(ByVal sender as object,ByVal e as EventArgs)
    dim tc as TabControl = CType(sender,TabControl)
    Console.WriteLine("Button " + tc.SelectedIndex.ToString())
  end sub

end class

14.37.1.Tab ControlTab Control
14.37.2.TabControl and TabPagesTabControl and TabPages
14.37.3.Add new TabAdd new Tab
14.37.4.Using TabControl to display various font settingsUsing TabControl to display various font settings
14.37.5.Put RadioButtons to a Tab ControlPut RadioButtons to a Tab Control
14.37.6.Custom TabCustom Tab