Fill the baseline decoration with a linear gradient brush in VB : LinearGradientBrush « Windows Presentation Foundation « VB.Net Tutorial

<Window xmlns=""
  Title="TextDecoration Example"

      <!-- . -->
      <TextBlock Name="baselineTextBlock" FontSize="24" Width="180" VerticalAlignment="Center">The lazy dog</TextBlock>      


Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Media

Namespace TextDecorationExample
  Public Partial Class Window1
    Inherits Window
    Private Sub WindowLoaded(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
      ' Fill the baseline decoration with a linear gradient brush.
      Dim myCollection As New TextDecorationCollection()
      Dim myBaseline As New TextDecoration()
      myBaseline.Location = TextDecorationLocation.Baseline

      ' Set the linear gradient brush.
      Dim myPen As New Pen()
      myPen.Brush = New LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Orange, Colors.Red, 0)
      myPen.Thickness = 3
      myBaseline.Pen = myPen
      myBaseline.PenThicknessUnit = TextDecorationUnit.FontRecommended

      ' Set the baseline decoration to the text block.
      baselineTextBlock.TextDecorations = myCollection
    End Sub

  End Class
End Namespace
WPF Fill The Baseline Decoration With A Linear Gradient Brush In C

16.81.1.LinearGradientBrush for Rectangle.StrokeLinearGradientBrush for Rectangle.Stroke
16.81.2.LinearGradientBrush animationLinearGradientBrush animation
16.81.3.LinearGradientBrush ExamplesLinearGradientBrush Examples
16.81.4.Text Box with LinearGradientBrushText Box with LinearGradientBrush
16.81.5.Fill with diagonal LinearGradientBrushFill with diagonal LinearGradientBrush
16.81.6.Rectangle with LinearGradientBrushRectangle with LinearGradientBrush
16.81.8.LinearGradientBrush.Transform RotateTransformLinearGradientBrush.Transform RotateTransform
16.81.9.LinearGradientBrush With 0.5 Offset for WhiteLinearGradientBrush With 0.5 Offset for White
16.81.10.Stroke with horizontal multi-color LinearGradientBrushStroke with horizontal multi-color LinearGradientBrush
16.81.11.Fill the overline decoration with a linear gradient brush in VBFill the overline decoration with a linear gradient brush in VB
16.81.12.Fill the baseline decoration with a linear gradient brush in VBFill the baseline decoration with a linear gradient brush in VB