C# Tutorial Type


  1. Check if Type is abstract in CSharp
  2. Check if a type is a class in CSharp
  3. Check if a Type is a value type in CSharp
  4. Check if a Type is declared public in CSharp
  5. Check if a Type is serializable in CSharp
  6. Check if a type Type is enumeration in CSharp
  7. Get Currently Running Process Type Information in CSharp
  8. Get Underlying System Type in CSharp
  9. Get the GUID associated with the Type in CSharp
  10. Get the module (the DLL) in which the current Type is defined in CSharp
  11. Get the type from which the current Type directly inherits in CSharp


  1. Check if a Type is nested and visible only within its own assembly in CSharp
  2. Check if current Type represents a type whose definition is nested inside the definition of another type in CSharp
  3. Get public types nested in the current Type in CSharp


  1. Check if a Type represents a type parameter in the definition of a generic type or method in CSharp
  2. Check if a type is a generic type in CSharp
  3. Get Type for parameter constraints on the current generic type in CSharp
  4. Get Type object representing a generic type from which the current generic type in CSharp
  5. Get Type objects representing type arguments for generic type in CSharp
  6. Get the type that declares the current nested type or generic type parameter in CSharp


  1. Get MemberTypes value indicating that this member is a method in CSharp
  2. Get all the public members of the current Type in CSharp
  3. Get members defined for the current Type using the specified binding constraints in CSharp
  4. Get members of the specified member type, using the specified binding constraints in CSharp
  5. Get members using the specified binding constraints in CSharp
  6. Get public members with the specified name in CSharp


  1. Get the fully qualified name of the Type, including the namespace of the Type but not the assembly in CSharp
  2. Get the name of the current Type in CSharp
  3. Get the namespace of the Type in CSharp
  4. Get type Name in CSharp

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