Java Tutorial Date Calculation


  1. Adjust Calendar date automatically in Java
  2. Calculate the age in Java
  3. Compute and display elapsed time of an operation in Java
  4. Increment or decrement a field of a calendar by 1 using the roll() method in Java
  5. Make the second argument negative in the 'add' method in Java
  6. Add hours to current date using Calendar add method in Java
  7. Add member method to an enum type in Java
  8. Add minutes to current date using Calendar add method in Java
  9. Add months to current date using Calendar add method in Java
  10. Add seconds to current date using Calendar add method in Java
  11. Add week to current date using Calendar add method in Java
  12. Add year to current date using Calendar add method in Java
  13. Add 10 months to the calendar in Java
  14. Add 14 to the year in Java
  15. Add 8 days to the current date and print out the date and time in Java
  16. Add another 12 hours and print out the date and time in Java
  17. Add a number of days to a date returning a new object in Java
  18. Add a number of hours to a date returning a new object in Java
  19. Add a number of milliseconds to a date returning a new object in Java
  20. Add a number of minutes to a date returning a new object in Java
  21. Add a number of months to a date returning a new object in Java
  22. Add a number of seconds to a date returning a new object in Java
  23. Add a number of weeks to a date returning a new object in Java
  24. Add a number of years to a date returning a new object in Java
  25. Add days to current date using Calendar in Java
  26. Add hours, minutes or seconds to a date in Java
  27. Increment and Decrement a Date Using the Calendar in Java
  28. Increment and Decrement Months Using the Calendar in Java


  1. Substract days from current date using Calendar add method in Java
  2. Substract hours from current date using Calendar add method in Java
  3. Substract minutes from current date using Calendar add method in Java
  4. Substract months from current date using Calendar add method in Java
  5. Substract seconds from current time using Calendar add method in Java
  6. Roll the days forward or backward in Java
  7. Roll the java.sql.Date forward or backward in Java
  8. Roll the java.util.Date forward or backward in Java
  9. Roll the java.util.Time forward or backward in Java
  10. Roll the years forward or backward in Java
  11. Substract 1 year from the calendar in Java
  12. Substract 30 days from the calendar in Java
  13. Substract week from current date in Java
  14. Substract year from current date in Java
  15. Subtract 4 hours from the time and print out the date and time in Java


  1. To change a date/time component, use its set method in Java
  2. Change multiple components at the same time in Java

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