Java Tutorial Java Data Type, Operator


  1. Learn how to use Java int type
  2. Create your first Java program
  3. How to define more complex Java program
  4. What are Java Keywords and Identifiers
  5. What are variables in a Java program

Primitive Data Types

  1. What are the primitive data types in Java
  2. Java boolean type
  3. Java char type
  4. Java char value escape
  5. Java byte type
  6. Java short type
  7. Java long type
  8. Java float type
  9. Java double type
  10. Java String type
  11. Java String Escape
  12. Java String Concatenation


  1. Java Arithmetic Operators
  2. Arithmetic Compound Assignment Operators
  3. Java Increment and Decrement Operator
  4. Java Logical Operators
  5. Java Logical Operators Shortcut
  6. Java Relational Operators
  7. Java Bitwise Operators
  8. Java Left Shift Operator
  9. Java Right Shift Operator
  10. Java Unsigned Right Shift
  11. Java ternary operator
  12. Use of instance comparisons with instanceof operator in Java


  1. Use of argv to get an integer value from command line in Java

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Java Data Type, Operator
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