Java Tutorial HTTP Read


  1. Call a servlet from a Java command line application in Java
  2. Create an Image from a URL in Java
  3. Define Http mimetype constant as static string in Java
  4. Define http status code as static int in Java
  5. Download from URL in Java
  6. Dump a page using the HTTPS protocol in Java
  7. Get Expiration date for a URL connection in Java
  8. Get and display http header information for a URL connection in Java
  9. Get content encoding for a URL connection in Java
  10. Get content length for a URL connection in Java
  11. Get content type for a URL connection in Java
  12. Get date for a URL connection in Java
  13. Get files updated last 24 hours from a http connection in Java
  14. Get last modified date for a URL connection in Java
  15. Get response code from a URL in Java
  16. Get the Cookies from an HTTP Connection in Java
  17. Prevent Automatic Redirects in a HTTP Connection in Java
  18. Read URLs Protected with HTTP Authentication in Java
  19. Read a GIF from a URL and save it locally in Java
  20. Read a web page character by character in Java
  21. Read and write with DatagramPacket in Java
  22. Read from a URL with buffered stream in Java
  23. Read from a http connection line by line in Java
  24. Save binary file from URL in Java
  25. Set credentials with in Java
  26. Set request Property for URL Connection in Java
  27. Show request method for a http connection in Java
  28. Show response message for a http connection in Java


  1. Detect Proxy Settings for Internet Connection in Java
  2. Use proxy to do a http connection in Java

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