Specifying Precision

In this chapter you will learn:

  1. How to use precision modifier
  2. How to format decimal value in precision
  3. How to control the number of significant digits for %g
  4. How to control string length with precision specifier

Precision modifier

A precision specifier can be applied to the %f, %e, %g, and %s format specifiers and follows the minimum field-width specifier if there is one. A precision specifier consists of a period followed by an integer.

The precision specifier added to floating-point data using the %f or %e specifiers, the precision specifier determines the number of decimal places displayed.

import java.util.Formatter;
//from   j a  va 2  s.  com
public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
    // Format to 2 decimal places in a 16 character field.
    fmt = new Formatter();
    fmt.format("%16.2e", 123.1234567);


The output:

Specifying Precision and decimal value

For example, %10.4f displays a number at least ten characters wide with four decimal places.

// Demonstrate the precision modifier. 
import java.util.Formatter;
/*j  a v  a2s. c om*/
public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
    // Format 4 decimal places.
    fmt.format("%.4f", 123.1234567);

The output:

%g and number of significant digits

The %g format specifier causes Formatter to use either %f or %e, whichever is shorter.

When using %g, the precision determines the number of significant digits. The default precision is 6.

import java.util.Formatter;
//from  j a  va 2 s . c om
public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
    fmt.format("%g\n", 123.1234567);
    // Format 4 decimal places.
    fmt.format("%.4g", 123.1234567);

The output:

precision specifier to format strings

When the precision specifier is applied to strings, the precision specifier specifies the maximum field length. For example, %5.7s displays a string at least five and not exceeding seven characters long. If the string is longer than the maximum field width, the end characters will be truncated.

import java.util.Formatter;
//from  j  a v a  2 s . c  om
public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
    // Display at most 15 characters in a string.
    fmt = new Formatter();
    fmt.format("%.15s", "12345678901234567890");


Next chapter...

What you will learn in the next chapter:

  1. What are format flags
  2. How to justify Output
  3. How to append a + sign before positive numeric values
  4. How to use space flag to line up output values
  5. How to show negative numeric inside parentheses
  6. How to pad with zeros rather than spaces
  7. How to add grouping specifiers for large value numbers
  8. How to give output an alternate conversion format
Home » Java Tutorial » String


    Java String type
    Java String Concatenation
    Java String Creation
    Java String Compare
    Java String Search
    Java String and char array
    Java String Conversion
    String trim, length, is empty, and substring
    String replace


    StringBuffer class
    StringBuffer Insert and Append
    StringBuffer length and capacity
    StringBuffer char operation
    StringBuffer Operations
    Search within StringBuffer
    StringBuffer to String


    StringBuilder insert and append
    StringBuilder length and capacity
    StringBuilder get,delete,set char
    StringBuilder delete, reverse
    StringBuilder search with indexOf and lastIndexOf
    StringBuilder to String

String Format

    Formatter class
    Format Specifier
    Format String and characters
    Format integer value
    Format decimal
    Scientific notation format
    Format octal and hexadecimal value
    Format date and time value
    Escape Formatter
    Minimum Field Width
    Specifying Precision
    Format Flags
    Uppercase Option
    Formatter Argument Index
    Align left and right
    Left and right padding a string

String Format Utilities

    Abbreviate string
    Caplitalize a string
    Uncapitalize a string
    Utility class for right padding
    Left padding
    Centers a String
    Transforms words