Javascript String Object

The String type is the object representation for strings and is created using the String constructor as follows:

var stringObject = new String("hello world");

The methods of a String object are available on all string primitives.

valueOf(), toLocaleString(), and toString() from String type return the object's primitive string value.

var stringValue = "hello world";

The code above generates the following result.

String Length

Each instance of String contains a property, length, which indicates the number of characters in the string. Consider the following example:

var stringValue = "hello world";
console.log(stringValue.length);   //"11"

The code above generates the following result.

Character Methods

Two String methods access specific characters: charAt() and charCodeAt().

They both accept zero-based position as the parameter.


The charAt() method returns the character in the given position as a single-character string.

var stringValue = "hello world";
console.log(stringValue.charAt(1));   //"e"

The code above generates the following result.


charCodeAt() returns the character code instead of the actual character.

var stringValue = "hello world";
console.log(stringValue.charCodeAt(1));   //outputs "101"

This example outputs "101", which is the character code for the lowercase "e" character.

The code above generates the following result.

Bracket notation

You can also use bracket notation with a numeric index to access a specific character in the string.

var stringValue = "hello world";
console.log(stringValue[1]);   //"e"

The code above generates the following result.