PHP list() Function

In this chapter you will learn:

  1. Definition for PHP list() Function
  2. Syntax for PHP list() Function
  3. Parameter for PHP list() Function
  4. Note for PHP list() Function
  5. Example - Assign value in an array to a list of variables
  6. Example - Using the first and third variables
  7. Example - Compare the code with and without list() function
  8. Example - Use list during array loop


The list() function is used to assign values to a list of variables in one operation.


PHP list() Function has the following syntax.



ParameterIs RequiredDescription
var1Required.The first variable to assign a value to
var2,...Optional.More variables to assign values to


This function only works on numerical arrays.

Example 1

Assign value in an array to a list of variables

<?php/*from   j a va2s .  c  o  m*/
$my_array = array("A","B","C");

list($a, $b, $c) = $my_array;
echo "I have several animals, a $a, a $b and a $c.";

The code above generates the following result.

Example 2

Using the first and third variables:

<?php/* j ava 2  s. c  o m*/
$my_array = array("A","B","C");

list($a, , $c) = $my_array;
echo "Here I only use the $a and $c variables.";

The code above generates the following result.

Example 3

list() pulls out the values of an array into separate variables.

<?PHP/*  j a  va 2s.c  o  m*/
         $myBook = array( "Learn PHP from", "", 2000 ); 

         $title = $myBook[0]; 
         $author = $myBook[1]; 
         $pubYear = $myBook[2]; 

         echo $title . "\n";    
         echo $author . "\n";   
         echo $pubYear . "\n";  

You use it as follows:

<?PHP/*from ja  va 2  s . c  o m*/
         $myBook = array( "Learn PHP from", "", 2000 ); 
         list( $title, $author, $pubYear ) = $myBook; 

         echo $title . "\n";    
         echo $author . "\n";   
         echo $pubYear . "\n";  

list() only works with indexed arrays, and it assumes the elements are indexed consecutively starting from zero so the first element has an index of 0 , the second has an index of 1 , and so on.

Example 4

A classic use of list() is with functions such as each() that return an indexed array of values. For example:

<?PHP//from jav  a2 s . c o m
    $myBook = array( "title" =>  "Learn PHP from", 
                     "author" =>  "", 
                     "pubYear" =>  2000 ); 
    while ( list( $key, $value ) = each( $myBook ) ) { 
      echo "Key: $key \n"; 
      echo "Value: $value"; 

The code above generates the following result.

Next chapter...

What you will learn in the next chapter:

  1. Definition for PHP natcasesort() Function
  2. Syntax for PHP natcasesort() Function
  3. Parameter for PHP natcasesort() Function
  4. Return for PHP natcasesort() Function
  5. Note for PHP natcasesort() Function
  6. Example - sorts an array by using a "natural order" algorithm
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PHP current() Function
PHP each() Function
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PHP implode() Function
PHP in_array() Function
PHP key() Function
PHP krsort() Function
PHP ksort() Function
PHP list() Function
PHP natcasesort() Function
PHP natsort() Function
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