PHP Tutorial Math


  1. Calculate Fibonacci sequence using recursion in PHP
  2. Calculate factorials using recursion in PHP
  3. Create Fibonacci sequence in PHP


  1. Calculate exponential value in PHP
  2. Calculate the hypotenuse of different right-angle triangles in PHP
  3. Check whether a value is ' not-a-number ' in PHP
  4. Convert degrees to radians in PHP
  5. Convert radians to degrees in PHP
  6. Find highest value with the max() function in PHP
  7. Find lowest value with the min() function in PHP
  8. Get ' e ' raised to the power of different numbers in PHP
  9. Get the absolute value of different numbers in PHP
  10. Return log(1+number) for different numbers in PHP
  11. Return the base-10 logarithm of different numbers in PHP
  12. Return the natural logarithm of different numbers in PHP
  13. Return the remainder of x/y in PHP
  14. Return the square root of different numbers in PHP
  15. Return the value of PI in PHP


  1. Generate random numbers: in PHP
  2. Return a pseudo random number in a range between 0 and 1 in PHP
  3. Return largest possible random value that can be returned by mt_rand() in PHP
  4. Return largest possible random value that can be returned by rand() in PHP
  5. Seed the random number generator in PHP

Trigonometric functions

  1. Get arc sine of different numbers in PHP
  2. Get arc tangent of different numbers with the atan() function in PHP
  3. Get inverse hyperbolic sine of different numbers in PHP
  4. Get the arc cosine of different numbers in PHP
  5. Get the arc tangent of two variables with the atan2() function in PHP
  6. Get the inverse hyperbolic cosine of different numbers in PHP
  7. Get the inverse hyperbolic tangent of different numbers in PHP
  8. Return the cosine of different numbers in PHP
  9. Return the hyperbolic cosine of different numbers in PHP
  10. Return the hyperbolic sine of different numbers in PHP
  11. Return the hyperbolic tangent of different numbers in PHP
  12. Return the sine of different numbers in PHP
  13. Return the tangent of different numbers in PHP


  1. Round numbers down to the nearest integer in PHP
  2. Round numbers in PHP
  3. Round numbers to two decimals in PHP
  4. Round numbers up to the nearest integer in PHP
  5. Round numbers using the constants in PHP

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