PHP Regular Expressions Character Classes


Regular expressions allow you to form character classes of words using brackets [].


Put character classes into a [].

Simple Group

[Ff] will match "F" or "f".

The following expression matches "a" , "b", "c", "1", "2", or "3":

echo preg_match( "/[abc123]/", "b" ); 

The code above generates the following result.

Ranges of characters

Specify ranges of characters using the hyphen (-) symbol.

  • [A?Z] will match all uppercase letters.
  • [A?Za?z] will match all letters, whether uppercase or lowercase.
  • [a?z0?9] will match lowercase letters and numbers only.

The following expression matches "a" , "b", "c", "1", "2", or "3":

echo preg_match( "/[a-c1-3]/", "b" );  // Displays "1"   

So you can match any letter or digit using:

echo preg_match( "/[a-zA-Z0-9]/", "H" );  // Displays "1"   

Not in the range

The caret symbol ^ means "not,"

  • [^A?Z] will match everything that is not an uppercase letter,
  • [^A?Za?z0?9] will match symbols but not uppercase letters, not lowercase letters, and not numbers.

To negate the sense of a character class. that is, to match a character that is not one of the characters in the set, place a caret (^ ) symbol at the start of the list:

echo preg_match( "/[abc]/", "e" ) . "\n";  // Displays "0" 
echo preg_match( "/[^abc]/", "e" ) . "\n";  // Displays "1"       

The code above generates the following result.

Shorthand character classes

Various shorthand character classes comprising a backslash followed by one of several letters

Character ClassMeaning
\dA digit
\DAny character that isn't a digit
\wA word character (letter, digit, or underscore)
\WAny character that isn't a word character
\sA whitespace character (space, tab, line feed, carriage return, or form feed)
\SAny character that isn't a whitespace character

So to match a digit character anywhere in the target string you could use either of the following two expressions:


Incidentally, you can also use a shorthand character class within a longhand class. The following expression matches the letter " e" or " p " , or any digit, in the target string:


Here are some examples:

<?PHP//from  www  .j  a  v a2s .c om
   echo preg_match( "/\d[A-Z]/", "3D" );  // Displays "1" 
   echo preg_match( "/\d[A-Z]/", "CD" );  // Displays "0" 
   echo preg_match( "/\S\S\S/", "6 & c" );  // Displays "1" 
   echo preg_match( "/\S\S\S/", "6 c" );  // Displays "0"   

To match any character at all, use a dot ( . ):

echo preg_match( "/He.../", "Hello" );  // Displays "1"    


Regular expressions using character classes

Function callResult
preg_match("/[Ff]oo/", "Foo")True
preg_match("/[^Ff]oo/", "foo")False; the regexp says "Anything that is not F or f, followed by "oo".
preg_match("/[A-Z][0-9]/", "A9")True
preg_match("/[A-S]esting/", "Testing")False; the acceptable range for the first character ends at S
preg_match("/[A-T]esting/", "Testing")True; the range is inclusive
preg_match("/[a-z]esting[0-9][0-9]/","Testing99")False; case sensitivity!
preg_match("/[a-z]esting[0-9][0-9]/i","Testing99")True; case problems fixed with /i
preg_match("/[^a-z]esting/", "Testing")True; first character can be anything that is not a, b, c, d, e,etc. (lowercase)
preg_match("/[^a-z]esting/i","Testing")False; the range excludes lowercase characters only. the "i" at the end makes it insensitive, which turns [^a-z] into [^a-zA-Z]

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PHP Regular Expressions