Copy nodes between documents in PHP


The following code shows how to copy nodes between documents.


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$orgdoc = new DOMDocument;
$orgdoc->loadXML("<root><element><child>text in child</child></element></root>");

// The node we want to import to a new document
$node = $orgdoc->getElementsByTagName("element")->item(0);

// Create a new document
$newdoc = new DOMDocument;
$newdoc->formatOutput = true;

// Add some markup
$newdoc->loadXML("<root><someelement>text in some element</someelement></root>");

echo "The 'new document' before copying nodes into it:\n";
echo $newdoc->saveXML();

// Import the node, and all its children, to the document
$node = $newdoc->importNode($node, true);
// And then append it to the "<root>" node

echo "\nThe 'new document' after copying the nodes into it:\n";
echo $newdoc->saveXML();

The code above generates the following result.

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