PHP Tutorial SimpleXML


  1. Access attribute and element value in PHP
  2. Get attribute and element as array in PHP
  3. Get attributes and values within the XML body element in PHP


  1. Check if an element is an array in PHP
  2. Convert an XML file into a SimpleXMLElement object, then output keys and elements of the object in PHP
  3. Count element in PHP
  4. Get element by index in PHP
  5. Get element value in two level down in PHP
  6. Get element value type in PHP
  7. Get value from an element with foreach loop in PHP
  8. Output keys and elements of a SimpleXMLElement object in PHP
  9. Output the data from each element in the XML file in PHP


  1. Clear XML document by tag and output in PHP
  2. Get value from XML and do calculation in PHP
  3. Output loaded xml file with simplexml_load_file in PHP
  4. Save a copy for an xml document in PHP
  5. Send xml to client as Content-Type text/xml in PHP
  6. Set new version and encoding value for saved xml document in PHP


  1. Find the children of a node in PHP
  2. Find the children of the body node in PHP
  3. Output the element ' s name and data for each child node in PHP
  4. Output the element ' s name and data for each child node in the XML file in PHP
  5. Save child element to a file in PHP
  6. Set child elements to client as Content-Type text/xml in PHP


  1. Loop through XML document with foreach loop in PHP
  2. Loop through each top level node to display its name in PHP


  1. Run an XPath query on the XML document in PHP

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