Android Long Bit Set pop_array(long A[], int wordOffset, int numWords)

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Returns the number of set bits in an array of longs.


Apache License


public static long pop_array(long A[], int wordOffset, int numWords) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/**/*from w w w. java2  s.  c o m*/
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

public class Main {
    /*** Returns the number of set bits in an array of longs. */
    public static long pop_array(long A[], int wordOffset, int numWords) {
         * Robert Harley and David Seal's bit counting algorithm, as documented
         * in the revisions of Hacker's Delight
         * This function was adapted to Java, and extended to use 64 bit words.
         * if only we had access to wider registers like SSE from java...
         * This function can be transformed to compute the popcount of other functions
         * on bitsets via something like this:
         * sed 's/A\[\([^]]*\)\]/\(A[\1] \& B[\1]\)/g'
        int n = wordOffset + numWords;
        long tot = 0, tot8 = 0;
        long ones = 0, twos = 0, fours = 0;

        int i;
        for (i = wordOffset; i <= n - 8; i += 8) {
            /***  C macro from Hacker's Delight
             #define CSA(h,l, a,b,c) \
             {unsigned u = a ^ b; unsigned v = c; \
             h = (a & b) | (u & v); l = u ^ v;}

            long twosA, twosB, foursA, foursB, eights;

            // CSA(twosA, ones, ones, A[i], A[i+1])
                long b = A[i], c = A[i + 1];
                long u = ones ^ b;
                twosA = (ones & b) | (u & c);
                ones = u ^ c;
            // CSA(twosB, ones, ones, A[i+2], A[i+3])
                long b = A[i + 2], c = A[i + 3];
                long u = ones ^ b;
                twosB = (ones & b) | (u & c);
                ones = u ^ c;
            //CSA(foursA, twos, twos, twosA, twosB)
                long u = twos ^ twosA;
                foursA = (twos & twosA) | (u & twosB);
                twos = u ^ twosB;
            //CSA(twosA, ones, ones, A[i+4], A[i+5])
                long b = A[i + 4], c = A[i + 5];
                long u = ones ^ b;
                twosA = (ones & b) | (u & c);
                ones = u ^ c;
            // CSA(twosB, ones, ones, A[i+6], A[i+7])
                long b = A[i + 6], c = A[i + 7];
                long u = ones ^ b;
                twosB = (ones & b) | (u & c);
                ones = u ^ c;
            //CSA(foursB, twos, twos, twosA, twosB)
                long u = twos ^ twosA;
                foursB = (twos & twosA) | (u & twosB);
                twos = u ^ twosB;

            //CSA(eights, fours, fours, foursA, foursB)
                long u = fours ^ foursA;
                eights = (fours & foursA) | (u & foursB);
                fours = u ^ foursB;
            tot8 += pop(eights);

        // handle trailing words in a binary-search manner...
        // derived from the loop above by setting specific elements to 0.
        // the original method in Hackers Delight used a simple for loop:
        //   for (i = i; i < n; i++)      // Add in the last elements
        //  tot = tot + pop(A[i]);

        if (i <= n - 4) {
            long twosA, twosB, foursA, eights;
                long b = A[i], c = A[i + 1];
                long u = ones ^ b;
                twosA = (ones & b) | (u & c);
                ones = u ^ c;
                long b = A[i + 2], c = A[i + 3];
                long u = ones ^ b;
                twosB = (ones & b) | (u & c);
                ones = u ^ c;
                long u = twos ^ twosA;
                foursA = (twos & twosA) | (u & twosB);
                twos = u ^ twosB;
            eights = fours & foursA;
            fours = fours ^ foursA;

            tot8 += pop(eights);
            i += 4;

        if (i <= n - 2) {
            long b = A[i], c = A[i + 1];
            long u = ones ^ b;
            long twosA = (ones & b) | (u & c);
            ones = u ^ c;

            long foursA = twos & twosA;
            twos = twos ^ twosA;

            long eights = fours & foursA;
            fours = fours ^ foursA;

            tot8 += pop(eights);
            i += 2;

        if (i < n) {
            tot += pop(A[i]);

        tot += (pop(fours) << 2) + (pop(twos) << 1) + pop(ones)
                + (tot8 << 3);

        return tot;

    /** Returns the number of bits set in the long */
    public static int pop(long x) {
        /* Hacker's Delight 32 bit pop function:
        int pop(unsigned x) {
           x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
           x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333);
           x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
           x = x + (x >> 8);
           x = x + (x >> 16);
           return x & 0x0000003F;

        // 64 bit java version of the C function from above
        x = x - ((x >>> 1) & 0x5555555555555555L);
        x = (x & 0x3333333333333333L) + ((x >>> 2) & 0x3333333333333333L);
        x = (x + (x >>> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FL;
        x = x + (x >>> 8);
        x = x + (x >>> 16);
        x = x + (x >>> 32);
        return ((int) x) & 0x7F;


  1. nextHighestPowerOfTwo(long v)
  2. pop_andnot(long A[], long B[], int wordOffset, int numWords)
  3. pop_intersect(long A[], long B[], int wordOffset, int numWords)
  4. pop_union(long A[], long B[], int wordOffset, int numWords)
  5. pop_xor(long A[], long B[], int wordOffset, int numWords)
  6. swapBytes(long value)