Read username and password and test password format - C String

C examples for String:String Console Input


Read username and password and test password format

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main()//from ww  w  .jav a 2 s .c  om
    int hasUpper = 0, hasLower = 0, hasDigit = 0;
    char user[25], password[25];

    printf("What is your username? ");
    scanf(" %s", user);
    printf("Please create a password: ");
    scanf(" %s", password);

    for (int i = 0; i < strlen(password) ; i++ ){
        if (isdigit(password[i])){
            hasDigit = 1;
        if (isupper(password[i])){
            hasUpper = 1;
        if (islower(password[i])){
            hasLower = 1;
    if ((hasDigit) && (hasUpper) && (hasLower)){
        printf("\n\nExcellent work, %s,\n", user);
        printf("Your password has upper and lowercase ");
        printf("letters and a number.");
    } else {
        printf("\n\nYou should consider a new password, %s,\n", user);
        printf("One that uses upper and lowercase letters ");
        printf("and a number.");



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