Prompts the user to enter the day, month, and year. - C Structure

C examples for Structure:Structure Value


The month can be a month number, a month name, or a month abbreviation.

The program then should return the total number of days in the year up through the given day.

Do take leap years into account.

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define LEN 10//from w ww  . j  a va2 s  . com
#define MONTHS 12

void get(char *, int);

struct month
  char name[LEN];
  char abrev[4];
  char monthno[3];
  int days;

struct month months[MONTHS] = {
  {"January", "JAN", "01", 31},
  {"February", "FEB", "02", 28},
  {"March", "MAR", "03", 31},
  {"April", "APR", "04", 30},
  {"May", "MAY", "05", 31},
  {"June", "JUN", "06", 30},
  {"July", "JUL", "07", 31},
  {"August", "AUG", "08", 31},
  {"September", "SEP", "09", 30},
  {"October", "OCT", "10", 31},
  {"November", "NOV", "11", 30},
  {"December", "DEC", "12", 31}

int clearInputStream(){
   while (getchar() != '\n') 
   return 0;
int main(void)
  int year, day, i, total;
  char month[LEN];

  printf("Please enter a year: ");
  while (scanf("%d", &year) != 1)
    printf("Please enter a year: ");

  printf("Please enter a month by name, abbreviation\n");
  printf("or two-digit number (eg. January, JAN or 01): ");
  get(month, LEN);

  printf("Please enter a day: ");
  while (scanf("%d", &day) != 1)

    printf("Please enter a day: ");

  // match input to month
  for (i = 0; i < MONTHS; i++){
    // if match is found, break
    if (strcmp(month, months[i].name) == 0 ||
      strcmp(month, months[i].abrev) == 0 ||
      strcmp(month, months[i].monthno) == 0)

  // if no match for month found, exit
  if (i == MONTHS)
    printf("No month matching %s found.\n", month);
  // check for leap year and adjust days in February if necessary
  if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)
    months[1].days = 29;

  // check validity of date
  if (day > months[i].days)
    printf("Invalid date: there is no date %d in %s %d.\n", day, months[i].name, year);

  // get total days in year up to given date
  total = 0;
  for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
    total += months[j].days;

  total += day;

  printf("There are %d days in %d through %s %d.\n", total, year, months[i].name, day);

  return 0;
// read from stdin and replace first newline with null character
void get(char * string, int n){
  fgets(string, n, stdin);

  while (*string != '\0')  {
    if (*string == '\n'){
      *string = '\0';


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