Use Move Constructor and Move Assignment Operator - C++ Class

C++ examples for Class:Constructor


Use Move Constructor and Move Assignment Operator

Demo Code

#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Car//from ww w.jav  a  2 s .  co m
    char* m_Name{};
    int m_NumberOfWheels{};

    Car() = default;

    Car(const char* name, int numberOfWheels)
        : m_NumberOfWheels{ numberOfWheels }
        const int length = strlen(name) + 1; // Add space for null terminator
        m_Name = new char[length]{};
        strcpy(m_Name, name);
        if (m_Name != nullptr)
            delete m_Name;
            m_Name = nullptr;

    Car(const Car& other)
        const int length = strlen(other.m_Name) + 1; // Add space for null terminator
        m_Name = new char[length]{};
        strcpy(m_Name, other.m_Name);

        m_NumberOfWheels = other.m_NumberOfWheels;

    Car& operator=(const Car& other)
        if (m_Name != nullptr)
            delete m_Name;

        const int length = strlen(other.m_Name) + 1; // Add space for null terminator
        m_Name = new char[length]{};
        strcpy(m_Name, other.m_Name);

        m_NumberOfWheels = other.m_NumberOfWheels;

        return *this;

    Car(Car&& other)
        m_Name = other.m_Name;
        other.m_Name = nullptr;

        m_NumberOfWheels = other.m_NumberOfWheels;

    Car& operator=(Car&& other)
        if (m_Name != nullptr)
            delete m_Name;
        m_Name = other.m_Name;
        other.m_Name = nullptr;

        m_NumberOfWheels = other.m_NumberOfWheels;

        return *this;

    char* GetName()
        return m_Name;

    int GetNumberOfWheels()
        return m_NumberOfWheels;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Car myAssignedCar;

        Car myCar{ "myCar", 4 };
        cout << "Car name: " << myCar.GetName() << endl;

        myAssignedCar = move(myCar);
        //cout << "Car name: " << myCar.GetName() << endl;
        cout << "Car name: " << myAssignedCar.GetName() << endl;

    cout << "Car name: " << myAssignedCar.GetName() << endl;

    return 0;


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