Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements.


public Iterator<JsonNode> elements() 

Source Link


From source file:com.amazonaws.services.kinesis.aggregators.configuration.ExternalConfigurationModel.java

private static void addTimeHorizons(JsonNode document, ExternalConfigurationModel model) throws Exception {
    JsonNode node = StreamAggregatorUtils.readJsonValue(document, "timeHorizons");
    if (node != null) {
        Iterator<JsonNode> timeHorizonValues = node.elements();
        while (timeHorizonValues.hasNext()) {
            String t = timeHorizonValues.next().asText();
            String timeHorizonName = null;
            int granularity = -1;
            boolean utc = false;

            // process UTC-shifting time horizons
            if (t.contains("-UTC")) {
                t = String.join("", t.split("-UTC"));
                utc = true;/*from w w w  .  j  a v  a  2s.com*/

            // process parameterised time horizons
            if (t.contains("MINUTES_GROUPED")) {
                String[] items = t.split("\\(");
                timeHorizonName = items[0];
                granularity = Integer.parseInt(items[1].replaceAll("\\)", ""));
            } else {
                timeHorizonName = t;

            try {
                TimeHorizon th = TimeHorizon.valueOf(timeHorizonName);

                if (th.equals(TimeHorizon.MINUTES_GROUPED) && granularity == -1) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                            "Unable to create Grouped Minutes Time Horizon without configuration of Granularity using notation MINUTES_GROUPED(<granularity in minutes>)");
                } else {
                    if (th.equals(TimeHorizon.MINUTES_GROUPED)) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new Exception(String.format("Unable to configure Time Horizon %s", t), e);

From source file:com.ning.metrics.action.hdfs.data.parser.SmileRowSerializer.java

public static void eventToRow(Registrar r, SmileEnvelopeEventDeserializer deserializer, Rows rows) {
    final SmileEnvelopeEvent event;
    try {//w w  w  .  ja  v a  2s . c  o  m
        event = deserializer.getNextEvent();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RowAccessException(e);
    final JsonNode node = (JsonNode) event.getData();

    final Map<Short, GoodwillSchemaField> schema = r.getSchema(event.getName());
    final List<ColumnKey> columnKeyList = new ArrayList<ColumnKey>(node.size());
    final List<JsonNodeComparable> data = new ArrayList<JsonNodeComparable>(node.size());

    // Without Goodwill integration, simply pass the raw json
    if (schema == null) {
        final Iterator<String> nodeFieldNames = node.fieldNames();
        while (nodeFieldNames.hasNext()) {
            columnKeyList.add(new DynamicColumnKey(nodeFieldNames.next()));

        final Iterator<JsonNode> nodeElements = node.elements();
        while (nodeElements.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode next = nodeElements.next();
            if (next == null) {
                next = NullNode.getInstance();
            data.add(new JsonNodeComparable(next));
    } else {
        // With Goodwill, select only the fields present in the Goodwill schema, and preserve ordering
        for (final GoodwillSchemaField schemaField : schema.values()) {
            final String schemaFieldName = schemaField.getName();
            columnKeyList.add(new DynamicColumnKey(schemaFieldName));
            JsonNode delegate = node.get(schemaFieldName);
            if (delegate == null) {
                delegate = NullNode.getInstance();
            data.add(new JsonNodeComparable(delegate));

    rows.add(RowFactory.getRow(new RowSchema(event.getName(), columnKeyList), data));

From source file:com.amazonaws.services.kinesis.aggregators.configuration.ExternalConfigurationModel.java

public static List<ExternalConfigurationModel> buildFromConfig(String configFilePath) throws Exception {
    List<ExternalConfigurationModel> response = new ArrayList<>();

    // reference the config file as a full path
    File configFile = new File(configFilePath);
    if (!configFile.exists()) {

        // try to load the file from the classpath
        InputStream classpathConfig = ExternalConfigurationModel.class.getClassLoader()
        if (classpathConfig != null && classpathConfig.available() > 0) {
            configFile = new File(ExternalConfigurationModel.class
                    .getResource((configFilePath.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + configFilePath).toURI());

            LOG.info(String.format("Loaded Configuration %s from Classpath", configFilePath));
        } else {//  w ww.j  av a2 s  .co m
            if (configFilePath.startsWith("s3://")) {
                AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain());
                TransferManager tm = new TransferManager(s3Client);

                // parse the config path to get the bucket name and prefix
                final String s3ProtoRegex = "s3:\\/\\/";
                String bucket = configFilePath.replaceAll(s3ProtoRegex, "").split("/")[0];
                String prefix = configFilePath.replaceAll(String.format("%s%s\\/", s3ProtoRegex, bucket), "");

                // download the file using TransferManager
                configFile = File.createTempFile(configFilePath, null);
                Download download = tm.download(bucket, prefix, configFile);

                // shut down the transfer manager

                LOG.info(String.format("Loaded Configuration from Amazon S3 %s/%s to %s", bucket, prefix,
            } else {
                // load the file from external URL
                try {
                    configFile = File.createTempFile(configFilePath, null);
                    FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(configFilePath), configFile, 1000, 1000);
                    LOG.info(String.format("Loaded Configuration from %s to %s", configFilePath,
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // handle the timeouts and so on with a generalised
                    // config
                    // file not found handler later
    } else {
        LOG.info(String.format("Loaded Configuration from Filesystem %s", configFilePath));

    // if we haven't been able to load a config file, then bail
    if (configFile == null || !configFile.exists()) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                String.format("Unable to Load Config File from %s", configFilePath));

    JsonNode document = StreamAggregatorUtils.asJsonNode(configFile);

    ExternalConfigurationModel config = null;

    Iterator<JsonNode> i = document.elements();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        config = new ExternalConfigurationModel();

        JsonNode section = i.next();

        // set generic properties
        config.setNamespace(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "namespace"));
        config.setDateFormat(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dateFormat"));
        addTimeHorizons(section, config);
        setAggregatorType(section, config);

        // set the label items
        JsonNode labelItems = StreamAggregatorUtils.readJsonValue(section, "labelItems");
        if (labelItems != null && labelItems.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = labelItems.elements();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode n = iterator.next();
        config.setLabelAttributeAlias(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "labelAttributeAlias"));

        config.setDateItem(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dateItem"));
        config.setDateAttributeAlias(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dateAttributeAlias"));
        JsonNode summaryItems = StreamAggregatorUtils.readJsonValue(section, "summaryItems");
        if (summaryItems != null && summaryItems.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = summaryItems.elements();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode n = iterator.next();

        config.setTableName(StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "tableName"));

        String readIO = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "readIOPS");
        if (readIO != null)
        String writeIO = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "writeIOPS");
        if (writeIO != null)

        // configure tolerance of data extraction problems
        String failOnDataExtraction = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "failOnDataExtraction");
        if (failOnDataExtraction != null)

        // configure whether metrics should be emitted
        String emitMetrics = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "emitMetrics");
        String metricsEmitterClassname = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section,
        if (emitMetrics != null || metricsEmitterClassname != null) {
            if (metricsEmitterClassname != null) {
                config.setMetricsEmitter((Class<IMetricsEmitter>) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
            } else {

        // configure the data store class
        String dataStoreClass = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "IDataStore");
        if (dataStoreClass != null) {
            Class<IDataStore> dataStore = (Class<IDataStore>) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()

        // get the data extractor configuration, so we know what other json
        // elements to retrieve from the configuration document
        String useExtractor = null;
        try {
            useExtractor = StreamAggregatorUtils.readValueAsString(section, "dataExtractor");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Exception(
                    String.format("Unable to configure aggregator with Data Extractor %s", useExtractor));

        switch (config.getDataExtractor()) {
        case CSV:
            configureStringCommon(section, config);
            configureCsv(section, config);
        case JSON:
            configureStringCommon(section, config);
        case OBJECT:
            configureObject(section, config);
        case REGEX:
            configureRegex(section, config);

    return response;

From source file:dao.SearchDAO.java

public static JsonNode elasticSearchMetricByKeyword(String category, String keywords, int page, int size) {
    ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject();
    queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size);
    queryNode.put("size", size);
    JsonNode responseNode = null;/* w  ww. ja v a2s  .  c o m*/
    ObjectNode keywordNode = null;

    try {
        keywordNode = utils.Search.generateElasticSearchQueryString(category, null, keywords);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error("Elastic search metric input query is not JSON format. Error message :" + e.getMessage());

    if (keywordNode != null) {
        queryNode.set("query", keywordNode);
        Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS
        responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson();

    ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
    Long count = 0L;
    List<Metric> pagedMetrics = new ArrayList<>();
    resultNode.put("page", page);
    resultNode.put("category", category);
    resultNode.put("isMetrics", true);
    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
    resultNode.put("keywords", keywords);

    if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) {
        JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits");
        if (hitsNode != null) {
            if (hitsNode.has("total")) {
                count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong();
            if (hitsNode.has("hits")) {
                JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits");
                if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) {
                    Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements();
                    if (arrayIterator != null) {
                        while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) {
                            JsonNode node = arrayIterator.next();
                            if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) {
                                Metric metric = new Metric();
                                metric.id = node.get("_id").asInt();
                                if (node.has("_source")) {
                                    JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source");
                                    if (sourceNode != null) {
                                        if (sourceNode.has("metric_name")) {
                                            metric.name = sourceNode.get("metric_name").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("metric_description")) {
                                            metric.description = sourceNode.get("metric_description").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("dashboard_name")) {
                                            metric.dashboardName = sourceNode.get("dashboard_name").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("metric_group")) {
                                            metric.group = sourceNode.get("metric_group").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("metric_category")) {
                                            metric.category = sourceNode.get("metric_category").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("urn")) {
                                            metric.urn = sourceNode.get("urn").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("metric_source")) {
                                            metric.source = sourceNode.get("metric_source").asText();
                                            if (StringUtils.isBlank(metric.source)) {
                                                metric.source = null;
                                        metric.schema = sourceNode.toString();


    resultNode.put("count", count);
    resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedMetrics));
    return resultNode;

From source file:dao.SearchDAO.java

public static JsonNode elasticSearchFlowByKeyword(String category, String keywords, int page, int size) {
    ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject();
    queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size);
    queryNode.put("size", size);
    JsonNode searchOpt = null;//from  w  ww  . ja v a  2s  .  c o m
    JsonNode responseNode = null;
    ObjectNode keywordNode = null;

    try {
        keywordNode = utils.Search.generateElasticSearchQueryString(category, null, keywords);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error("Elastic search flow input query is not JSON format. Error message :" + e.getMessage());

    if (keywordNode != null) {
        queryNode.set("query", keywordNode);
        Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS
        responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson();

    ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
    Long count = 0L;
    List<FlowJob> pagedFlowJobs = new ArrayList<>();
    resultNode.put("page", page);
    resultNode.put("category", category);
    resultNode.put("isFlowJob", true);
    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
    resultNode.put("keywords", keywords);

    if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) {
        JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits");
        if (hitsNode != null) {
            if (hitsNode.has("total")) {
                count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong();
            if (hitsNode.has("hits")) {
                JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits");
                if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) {
                    Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements();
                    if (arrayIterator != null) {
                        while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) {
                            JsonNode node = arrayIterator.next();
                            if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) {
                                FlowJob flowJob = new FlowJob();
                                if (node.has("_source")) {
                                    JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source");
                                    if (sourceNode != null) {
                                        if (sourceNode.has("app_code")) {
                                            flowJob.appCode = sourceNode.get("app_code").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("app_id")) {
                                            flowJob.appId = sourceNode.get("app_id").asInt();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("flow_id")) {
                                            flowJob.flowId = sourceNode.get("flow_id").asLong();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("flow_name")) {
                                            flowJob.flowName = sourceNode.get("flow_name").asText();
                                            flowJob.displayName = flowJob.flowName;
                                        if (sourceNode.has("flow_path")) {
                                            flowJob.flowPath = sourceNode.get("flow_path").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("flow_group")) {
                                            flowJob.flowGroup = sourceNode.get("flow_group").asText();
                                        flowJob.link = "#/flows/name/" + flowJob.appCode + "/"
                                                + Long.toString(flowJob.flowId) + "/page/1?urn="
                                                + flowJob.flowGroup;
                                        flowJob.path = flowJob.appCode + "/" + flowJob.flowPath;

                                        flowJob.schema = sourceNode.toString();


    resultNode.put("count", count);
    resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedFlowJobs));
    return resultNode;

From source file:dao.SearchDAO.java

public static JsonNode elasticSearchDatasetByKeyword(String category, String keywords, String source, int page,
        int size) {
    ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject();
    queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size);
    queryNode.put("size", size);
    JsonNode responseNode = null;/*from w  w w . j  a  va2  s  .com*/
    ObjectNode keywordNode = null;

    try {
        keywordNode = utils.Search.generateElasticSearchQueryString(category, source, keywords);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Logger.error("Elastic search dataset input query is not JSON format. Error message :" + e.getMessage());

    if (keywordNode != null) {
        ObjectNode funcScoreNodes = Json.newObject();

        ObjectNode fieldValueFactorNode = Json.newObject();
        fieldValueFactorNode.put("field", "static_boosting_score");
        fieldValueFactorNode.put("factor", 1);
        fieldValueFactorNode.put("modifier", "square");
        fieldValueFactorNode.put("missing", 1);

        funcScoreNodes.put("query", keywordNode);
        funcScoreNodes.put("field_value_factor", fieldValueFactorNode);

        ObjectNode funcScoreNodesWrapper = Json.newObject();
        funcScoreNodesWrapper.put("function_score", funcScoreNodes);

        queryNode.put("query", funcScoreNodesWrapper);

        Logger.debug("The query sent to Elastic Search is: " + queryNode.toString());

        Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS
        responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson();

        Logger.debug("The responseNode from Elastic Search is: " + responseNode.toString());


    ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
    Long count = 0L;
    List<Dataset> pagedDatasets = new ArrayList<>();
    resultNode.put("page", page);
    resultNode.put("category", category);
    resultNode.put("source", source);
    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);
    resultNode.put("keywords", keywords);

    if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) {
        JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits");
        if (hitsNode != null) {
            if (hitsNode.has("total")) {
                count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong();
            if (hitsNode.has("hits")) {
                JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits");
                if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) {
                    Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements();
                    if (arrayIterator != null) {
                        while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) {
                            JsonNode node = arrayIterator.next();
                            if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) {
                                Dataset dataset = new Dataset();
                                dataset.id = node.get("_id").asLong();
                                if (node.has("_source")) {
                                    JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source");
                                    if (sourceNode != null) {
                                        if (sourceNode.has("name")) {
                                            dataset.name = sourceNode.get("name").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("source")) {
                                            dataset.source = sourceNode.get("source").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("urn")) {
                                            dataset.urn = sourceNode.get("urn").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("schema")) {
                                            dataset.schema = sourceNode.get("schema").asText();


    resultNode.put("count", count);
    resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedDatasets));
    return resultNode;

From source file:nl.esciencecenter.xnatclient.data.XnatParser.java

public static int parseJsonResult(XnatObjectType type, String jsonStr, List list) throws XnatParseException {
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jsonStr))
        return 0;
    try {//  ww  w  . j a  v a2s.c o m
        JsonFactory jsonFac = new JsonFactory();
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        // use dom like parsing:
        JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(jsonStr);
        JsonNode rootNode = null;

        JsonNode resultSet = tree.get("ResultSet");
        if (resultSet == null) {
            logger.warnPrintf("Couldn't find 'ResultSet' in jsonTree\n");
            // return 0;

        JsonNode result = resultSet.get("Result");
        if (result == null) {
            logger.warnPrintf("Couldn't find 'Result' in jsonTree\n");
            return 0;

        if (result.isArray() == false) {
            // logger.warnPrintf("Couldn't find 'Result' in jsonTree\n");
            return 0;
        rootNode = result;

        // parse objects:
        Iterator<JsonNode> els = rootNode.elements();
        while (els.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode el = els.next();
            list.add(parseXnatObject(type, el));
    // wrap exception:
    catch (JsonParseException e) {
        throw new XnatParseException("Couldn't parse result:\n" + jsonStr + "\n---\n" + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new XnatParseException("IOException:" + e.getMessage(), e);

    return list.size();

From source file:tests.SearchTests.java

private static List<String> list(JsonNode jsonObject) {
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
    Iterator<JsonNode> elements = jsonObject.elements();
    while (elements.hasNext()) {
    }//  w  w  w.  j a  va2s  .  c om
    return list;

From source file:org.dd4t.databind.builder.json.JsonModelConverter.java

private static void handleEmbeddedContent(final JsonNode currentField, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) {
    final JsonNode embeddedNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_VALUES_NODE);
    // This is a fix for when we are already in an embedded node. The Json unfortunately
    // keeps sibling nodes in this child, which has FieldType embedded, while we're actually already in
    // that node's Values

    final JsonNode schemaNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME);
    if (embeddedNode != null) {
        final Iterator<JsonNode> embeddedIterator = embeddedNode.elements();
        while (embeddedIterator.hasNext()) {
            addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, embeddedIterator);
        }/*w w  w .ja  v  a 2 s. co m*/
    } else {
        final Iterator<JsonNode> currentFieldElements = currentField.elements();
        while (currentFieldElements.hasNext()) {

            addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, currentFieldElements);

From source file:com.linecorp.armeria.common.thrift.text.SequenceContext.java

 * Create an iterator over the children. May be constructed with a null
 * JsonArray if we only use it for writing.
 *//*from w w  w  .java 2s . c om*/
protected SequenceContext(JsonNode json) {
    children = null != json ? json.elements() : null;