Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode elements

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode elements


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode elements.


public Iterator<JsonNode> elements() 

Source Link


From source file:com.enitalk.opentok.OpenTokListener.java

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 10000L)
public void updateFinalStatus() {
    try {// w  w  w .ja  v  a2  s . co m
        Criteria cc3 = Criteria.where("status").is(2);
        Criteria cc1 = Criteria.where("video").exists(false);
        Query q = Query.query(Criteria.where("endDate").lt(new DateTime().toDate()).andOperator(cc3, cc1));

        List<HashMap> eligibleEvents = mongo.find(q, HashMap.class, "events");
        if (!eligibleEvents.isEmpty()) {
            ArrayNode evs = jackson.convertValue(eligibleEvents, ArrayNode.class);
            Iterator<JsonNode> evIt = evs.elements();
            while (evIt.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode ev = evIt.next();
                HashMultimap<String, String> mmap = HashMultimap.create();

                List<JsonNode> alls = ev.path("opentok").findParents("id");
                alls.forEach((JsonNode op) -> {
                    mmap.put(op.path("id").asText(), op.path("status").asText());

                logger.info("Opentok multimap {}", mmap);
                long uploadedArchives = mmap.keySet().stream().filter((String id) -> {
                    return mmap.get(id).contains("uploaded");
                if (uploadedArchives == mmap.keySet().size()) {
                    logger.info("All archives uploaded, process further");
                            new Update().set("video", 0), "events");

                } else {
                    logger.info("Only {} of {} archives uploaded", uploadedArchives, mmap);

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.calrissian.mango.json.deser.NodeDeserializer.java

protected Node parseField(String fieldKey, JsonNode fieldJson) throws IOException {
    switch (fieldKey) {
    case "and": {
        AndNode andNode = new AndNode();
        JsonNode children = fieldJson.get("children");
        if (children instanceof ArrayNode) {
            ArrayNode childrenArray = (ArrayNode) children;
            Iterator<JsonNode> elements = childrenArray.elements();
            while (elements.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode entry = elements.next();
                Iterator<String> fieldNames = entry.fieldNames();
                while (fieldNames.hasNext()) {
                    String key = fieldNames.next();
                    andNode.addChild(parseField(key, entry.get(key)));
                }/*ww w . j  a v a  2 s.co  m*/
        return andNode;
    case "or": {
        OrNode orNode = new OrNode();
        JsonNode children = fieldJson.get("children");
        if (children instanceof ArrayNode) {
            ArrayNode childrenArray = (ArrayNode) children;
            Iterator<JsonNode> elements = childrenArray.elements();
            while (elements.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode entry = elements.next();
                Iterator<String> fieldNames = entry.fieldNames();
                while (fieldNames.hasNext()) {
                    String key = fieldNames.next();
                    orNode.addChild(parseField(key, entry.get(key)));
        return orNode;
    case "eq": {
        String key = fieldJson.get("key").asText();
        String type = fieldJson.get("type").asText();
        String val_str = fieldJson.get("value").asText();

        Object obj = this.typeRegistry.decode(type, val_str);
        return new EqualsLeaf(key, obj, null);
    case "neq": {
        String key = fieldJson.get("key").asText();
        String type = fieldJson.get("type").asText();
        String val_str = fieldJson.get("value").asText();

        Object obj = this.typeRegistry.decode(type, val_str);
        return new NotEqualsLeaf(key, obj, null);
    case "range": {
        String key = fieldJson.get("key").asText();
        String type = fieldJson.get("type").asText();
        String start_str = fieldJson.get("start").asText();
        String end_str = fieldJson.get("end").asText();

        Object start = this.typeRegistry.decode(type, start_str);
        Object end = this.typeRegistry.decode(type, end_str);
        return new RangeLeaf(key, start, end, null);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported field: " + fieldKey);

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.eval.NaryFieldRelationalExpressionEvaluator.java

public boolean evaluate(QueryEvaluationContext ctx) {
    LOGGER.debug("evaluate {} {} {}", field, operator, rfield);
    KeyValueCursor<Path, JsonNode> cursor = ctx.getNodes(field);
    boolean ret = false;
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        cursor.next();//from w w  w. jav  a  2  s.c  o  m
        JsonNode valueNode = cursor.getCurrentValue();
        Object docValue;
        if (valueNode != null) {
            docValue = fieldMd.getType().fromJson(valueNode);
        } else {
            docValue = null;
        boolean in = false;
        KeyValueCursor<Path, JsonNode> rcursor = ctx.getNodes(rfield);
        while (rcursor.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode lnode = rcursor.getCurrentValue();
            if (lnode != null && lnode instanceof ArrayNode) {
                ArrayNode listNode = (ArrayNode) lnode;
                LOGGER.debug("value={} list={}", valueNode, listNode);

                for (Iterator<JsonNode> itr = listNode.elements(); itr.hasNext();) {
                    JsonNode rvalue = itr.next();
                    if (docValue == null) {
                        if (rvalue == null || rvalue instanceof NullNode)
                            in = true;
                    } else if (fieldMd.getType().compare(docValue, rvalue) == 0) {
                        in = true;
                LOGGER.debug("in={}", in);
                if (in) {
                    ret = true;
    return ctx.getResult();

From source file:org.springframework.data.rest.webmvc.json.patch.JsonPatchPatchConverter.java

 * Constructs a {@link Patch} object given a JsonNode.
 * /*from  ww w.j  a v a  2  s  .co  m*/
 * @param jsonNode a JsonNode containing the JSON Patch
 * @return a {@link Patch}
public Patch convert(JsonNode jsonNode) {
    if (!(jsonNode instanceof ArrayNode)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JsonNode must be an instance of ArrayNode");

    ArrayNode opNodes = (ArrayNode) jsonNode;
    List<PatchOperation> ops = new ArrayList<PatchOperation>(opNodes.size());
    for (Iterator<JsonNode> elements = opNodes.elements(); elements.hasNext();) {
        JsonNode opNode = elements.next();

        String opType = opNode.get("op").textValue();
        String path = opNode.get("path").textValue();

        JsonNode valueNode = opNode.get("value");
        Object value = valueFromJsonNode(path, valueNode);
        String from = opNode.has("from") ? opNode.get("from").textValue() : null;

        if (opType.equals("test")) {
            ops.add(new TestOperation(path, value));
        } else if (opType.equals("replace")) {
            ops.add(new ReplaceOperation(path, value));
        } else if (opType.equals("remove")) {
            ops.add(new RemoveOperation(path));
        } else if (opType.equals("add")) {
            ops.add(new AddOperation(path, value));
        } else if (opType.equals("copy")) {
            ops.add(new CopyOperation(path, from));
        } else if (opType.equals("move")) {
            ops.add(new MoveOperation(path, from));
        } else {
            throw new PatchException("Unrecognized operation type: " + opType);

    return new Patch(ops);

From source file:org.apache.streams.components.http.provider.SimpleHTTPGetProvider.java

protected List<ObjectNode> executeGet(URI uri) {

    Preconditions.checkNotNull(uri);//from w ww.  ja v a 2  s .c om

    List<ObjectNode> results = new ArrayList<>();

    HttpGet httpget = prepareHttpGet(uri);

    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;

    String entityString = null;
    try {
        response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
        HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
        // TODO: handle retry
        if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200 && entity != null) {
            entityString = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
            if (!entityString.equals("{}") && !entityString.equals("[]")) {
                JsonNode jsonNode = mapper.readValue(entityString, JsonNode.class);
                if (jsonNode != null && jsonNode instanceof ObjectNode) {

                    results.add((ObjectNode) jsonNode);
                } else if (jsonNode != null && jsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
                    ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) jsonNode;
                    Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = arrayNode.elements();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        ObjectNode element = (ObjectNode) iterator.next();

    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.error("IO error:\n{}\n{}\n{}", uri.toString(), response, e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
    return results;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.eval.ArrayContainsEvaluator.java

public boolean evaluate(QueryEvaluationContext ctx) {
    boolean ret = false;
    JsonNode node = ctx.getNode(expr.getArray());
    if (node instanceof ArrayNode) {
        ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) node;
        List<Value> values = expr.getValues();
        ContainsOperator op = expr.getOp();
        Type t = elem.getType();//from w ww . ja v a 2 s  . c o m
        int numElementsContained = 0;
        for (Iterator<JsonNode> itr = array.elements(); itr.hasNext();) {
            JsonNode valueNode = itr.next();
            for (Value value : values) {
                Object v = value.getValue();
                if (isValueInNode(valueNode, v, t)) {
        ret = evaluateContainsOperator(op, numElementsContained, values);
    return ret;

From source file:com.Anderson.example.games.tanc.GameplayFragment.java

void AssignToQuestionary(JsonNode jNode) {
    ArrayNode slaidsNode = (ArrayNode) jNode.get("questions");
    Iterator<JsonNode> questionsIterator = slaidsNode.elements();

    int temp = 0;
    while (questionsIterator.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode questions = questionsIterator.next();
        mQuestionary.mQuestions[temp] = new Question();
        temp++;/*from  w ww.  j  a v  a2 s  .  c o  m*/

From source file:com.enitalk.opentok.CheckAvailabilityRunnable.java

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 10000L)//from   w  w  w  .  j  a va 2  s .  com
public void run() {
    try {
        Query q = Query.query(Criteria.where("video").in(2, 3).andOperator(
                Criteria.where("checkDate").lt(DateTime.now().toDate()), Criteria.where("video").exists(true)));
        List<HashMap> evs = mongo.find(q, HashMap.class, "events");
        if (evs.isEmpty()) {

        ArrayNode events = jackson.convertValue(evs, ArrayNode.class);
        Iterator<JsonNode> it = events.elements();
        mongo.updateMulti(q, new Update().set("video", 3), "events");

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode en = it.next();
            rabbit.send("youtube_check", MessageBuilder.withBody(jackson.writeValueAsBytes(en)).build());

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:nosqltools.JSONUtilities.java

public String printDiff(JsonNode resCompNode) {
    String opType = "";
    String path = "";
    String value = "";
    Iterator<JsonNode> elements = null;

    ArrayNode opNodes = (ArrayNode) resCompNode;
    List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
    elements = opNodes.elements();
    while (elements.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode opNode = elements.next();
        //stores the type of operation performed
        opType = opNode.get("op").textValue();
        //stores the path of the nodes visited
        path = opNode.get("path").textValue().substring(1);

        if (!opType.equals("remove")) {
            //the value is not shown the the operation is removed because of null pointer exception 
            //stores the value of the operation
            value = ": " + opNode.get("value").toString();
        } else {//from  ww  w. ja v  a2s.c  om
            value = " ";

        res.add(opType + " operation -> " + path + value);

    return res.toString();

From source file:org.apache.streams.components.http.provider.SimpleHttpProvider.java

 Override this to change how entity gets converted to objects
 *//*from ww w  . j a v  a  2 s  . c om*/
protected List<ObjectNode> parse(JsonNode jsonNode) {

    List<ObjectNode> results = new ArrayList<>();

    if (jsonNode != null && jsonNode instanceof ObjectNode) {
        results.add((ObjectNode) jsonNode);
    } else if (jsonNode != null && jsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
        ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) jsonNode;
        Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = arrayNode.elements();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            ObjectNode element = (ObjectNode) iterator.next();


    return results;