Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode elements

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode elements


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode elements.


public Iterator<JsonNode> elements() 

Source Link


From source file:nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.storage.mongo.MongoStorage.java

private boolean doesVariationExist(String variation, ObjectNode objectTree) {
    ArrayNode variations = (ArrayNode) objectTree.get(DomainEntity.VARIATIONS);
    for (Iterator<JsonNode> variationIterator = variations.elements(); variationIterator.hasNext();) {
        if (Objects.equal(variation, variationIterator.next().asText())) {
            return true;
        }/*from w w  w . j a va  2  s  .  c  o  m*/
    return false;

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.java

 * Creates a new deployment of VMs based on the provided template
 * @param template Template to deploy// www .j  av a 2 s.c  o  m
 * @param numberOfAgents Number of agents to create
 * @return The base name for the VMs that were created
 * @throws AzureCloudException
 * @throws java.io.IOException
public static AzureVMDeploymentInfo createDeployment(final AzureVMAgentTemplate template,
        final int numberOfAgents) throws AzureCloudException, IOException {

    InputStream embeddedTemplate = null;
    InputStream fragmentStream = null;
    try {
                "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: createDeployment: Initializing deployment for agentTemplate {0}",

        Configuration config = ServiceDelegateHelper.getConfiguration(template);
        final ResourceManagementClient client = ServiceDelegateHelper.getResourceManagementClient(config);

        final Date timestamp = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
        final String deploymentName = AzureUtil.getDeploymentName(template.getTemplateName(), timestamp);
        final String vmBaseName = AzureUtil.getVMBaseName(template.getTemplateName(), deploymentName,
                template.getOsType(), numberOfAgents);
        final String locationName = getLocationName(template.getLocation());
        if (!template.getResourceGroupName().matches(Constants.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_PATTERN)) {
                    "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: createDeployment: ResourceGroup Name {0} is invalid. It should be 1-64 alphanumeric characters",
                    new Object[] { template.getResourceGroupName() });
            throw new Exception("ResourceGroup Name is invalid");
        final String resourceGroupName = template.getResourceGroupName();
                "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: createDeployment: Creating a new deployment {0} with VM base name {1}",
                new Object[] { deploymentName, vmBaseName });

        client.getResourceGroupsOperations().createOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, new ResourceGroup(locationName));

        final Deployment deployment = new Deployment();
        final DeploymentProperties properties = new DeploymentProperties();

        final boolean useCustomScriptExtension = template.getOsType().equals(Constants.OS_TYPE_WINDOWS)
                && !StringUtils.isBlank(template.getInitScript())
                && template.getAgentLaunchMethod().equals(Constants.LAUNCH_METHOD_JNLP);

        // check if a custom image id has been provided otherwise work with publisher and offer
        if (template.getImageReferenceType().equals(IMAGE_CUSTOM_REFERENCE)) {
            if (useCustomScriptExtension) {
                        "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: createDeployment: Use embedded deployment template {0}",
                embeddedTemplate = AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.class
            } else {
                        "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: createDeployment: Use embedded deployment template (with script) {0}",
                embeddedTemplate = AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.class
        } else {
            if (useCustomScriptExtension) {
                        "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: createDeployment: Use embedded deployment template (with script) {0}",
                embeddedTemplate = AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.class
            } else {
                        "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: createDeployment: Use embedded deployment template {0}",
                embeddedTemplate = AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.class

        final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        final JsonNode tmp = mapper.readTree(embeddedTemplate);

        // Add count variable for loop....
        final ObjectNode count = mapper.createObjectNode();
        count.put("type", "int");
        count.put("defaultValue", numberOfAgents);
        ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("parameters")).replace("count", count);

        ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("vmName", vmBaseName);
        ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("location", locationName);

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template.getImagePublisher())) {
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("imagePublisher", template.getImagePublisher());

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template.getImageOffer())) {
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("imageOffer", template.getImageOffer());

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template.getImageSku())) {
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("imageSku", template.getImageSku());

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template.getOsType())) {
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("osType", template.getOsType());

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template.getImage())) {
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("image", template.getImage());

        // If using the custom script extension (vs. SSH) to startup the powershell scripts,
        // add variables for that and upload the init script to the storage account
        if (useCustomScriptExtension) {
            // Calculate the client secrets.  The secrets are based off the machine name, 
            ArrayNode clientSecretsNode = ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).putArray("clientSecrets");
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAgents; i++) {
                        .add(JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol.SLAVE_SECRET.mac(String.format("%s%d", vmBaseName, i)));
            // Upload the startup script to blob storage
            String scriptName = String.format("%s%s", deploymentName, "init.ps1");
            String scriptUri = uploadCustomScript(template, scriptName);
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("startupScriptURI", scriptUri);
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("startupScriptName", scriptName);

            String storageAccountKey = ServiceDelegateHelper.getStorageManagementClient(config)
                    .listKeys(template.getResourceGroupName(), template.getStorageAccountName())

            final ObjectNode storageAccountKeyNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
            storageAccountKeyNode.put("type", "secureString");
            storageAccountKeyNode.put("defaultValue", storageAccountKey);

            // Add the storage account key
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("parameters")).replace("storageAccountKey", storageAccountKeyNode);

        ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("vmSize", template.getVirtualMachineSize());
        // Grab the username/pass
        StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials creds = AzureUtil.getCredentials(template.getCredentialsId());

        ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("adminUsername", creds.getUsername());
        ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("adminPassword", creds.getPassword().getPlainText());

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template.getStorageAccountName())) {

        // Network properties.  If the vnet name isn't blank then
        // then subnet name can't be either (based on verification rules)
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template.getVirtualNetworkName())) {
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("subnetName", template.getSubnetName());
        } else {
            // Add the definition of the vnet and subnet into the template
            final String virtualNetworkName = Constants.DEFAULT_VNET_NAME;
            final String subnetName = Constants.DEFAULT_SUBNET_NAME;
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("virtualNetworkName", virtualNetworkName);
            ObjectNode.class.cast(tmp.get("variables")).put("subnetName", subnetName);

            // Read the vnet fragment
            fragmentStream = AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.class

            final JsonNode virtualNetworkFragment = mapper.readTree(fragmentStream);
            // Add the virtual network fragment

            // Because we created/updated this in the template, we need to add the appropriate
            // dependsOn node to the networkInterface
            // Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnet name>
            // Find the network interfaces node
            ArrayNode resourcesNodes = ArrayNode.class.cast(tmp.get("resources"));
            Iterator<JsonNode> resourcesNodesIter = resourcesNodes.elements();
            while (resourcesNodesIter.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode resourcesNode = resourcesNodesIter.next();
                JsonNode typeNode = resourcesNode.get("type");
                if (typeNode == null || !typeNode.asText().equals("Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces")) {
                // Find the dependsOn node
                ArrayNode dependsOnNode = ArrayNode.class.cast(resourcesNode.get("dependsOn"));
                // Add to the depends on node.
                        .add("[concat('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('virtualNetworkName'))]");

        // Deployment ....

        // Register the deployment for cleanup
                template.getResourceGroupName(), deploymentName);
        // Create the deployment
        client.getDeploymentsOperations().createOrUpdate(template.getResourceGroupName(), deploymentName,

        return new AzureVMDeploymentInfo(deploymentName, vmBaseName, numberOfAgents);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate: deployment: Unable to deploy", e);
        // Pass the info off to the template so that it can be queued for update.
        template.handleTemplateProvisioningFailure(e.getMessage(), FailureStage.PROVISIONING);
        throw new AzureCloudException(e);
    } finally {
        if (embeddedTemplate != null)
        if (fragmentStream != null)

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.vmagent.AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.java

private static void AddNSGNode(final JsonNode template, final ObjectMapper mapper, final String nsgName)
        throws IOException {

    ObjectNode.class.cast(template.get("variables")).put("nsgName", nsgName);

    ArrayNode resourcesNodes = ArrayNode.class.cast(template.get("resources"));
    Iterator<JsonNode> resourcesNodesIter = resourcesNodes.elements();
    while (resourcesNodesIter.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode resourcesNode = resourcesNodesIter.next();
        JsonNode typeNode = resourcesNode.get("type");
        if (typeNode == null || !typeNode.asText().equals("Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces")) {
        }//www.  jav a 2  s  . c  o  m

        ObjectNode nsgNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
        nsgNode.put("id", "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', variables('nsgName'))]");

        // Find the properties node
        // We will attach the provided NSG and not check if it's valid because that's done in the verification step
        ObjectNode propertiesNode = ObjectNode.class.cast(resourcesNode.get("properties"));
        propertiesNode.set("networkSecurityGroup", nsgNode);

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.eval.ForEachExpressionEvaluator.java

private boolean update(JsonDoc doc, Path contextPath, UpdateInfo updateInfo) {
    boolean ret = false;
    // Get a reference to the array field, and iterate all elements in the array
    ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) doc.get(new Path(contextPath, updateInfo.field));
    LOGGER.debug("Array node {}={}", updateInfo.field, arrayNode);
    ArrayElement elementMd = updateInfo.fieldMd.getElement();
    if (arrayNode != null) {
        int index = 0;
        MutablePath itrPath = new MutablePath(contextPath);
        itrPath.push(updateInfo.field);/*www  .  j  a v  a2s .  co m*/
        MutablePath arrSizePath = itrPath.copy();
        arrSizePath.setLast(arrSizePath.getLast() + "#");

        // Copy the nodes to a separate list, so we iterate on the
        // new copy, and modify the original
        ArrayList<JsonNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Iterator<JsonNode> itr = arrayNode.elements(); itr.hasNext();) {
        for (JsonNode elementNode : nodes) {
            Path elementPath = itrPath.immutableCopy();
            LOGGER.debug("itr:{}", elementPath);
            QueryEvaluationContext ctx = new QueryEvaluationContext(elementNode, elementPath);
            if (updateInfo.queryEvaluator.evaluate(ctx)) {
                LOGGER.debug("query matches {}", elementPath);
                LOGGER.debug("Calling updater {}", updateInfo.updater);
                if (updateInfo.updater.update(doc, elementMd, elementPath)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Updater {} returns {}", updateInfo.updater, true);
                    ret = true;
                    // Removal shifts nodes down
                    if (updateInfo.updater instanceof RemoveEvaluator) {
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Updater {} return false", updateInfo.updater);
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("query does not match {}", elementPath);
        if (ret) {
            doc.modify(arrSizePath, factory.numberNode(arrayNode.size()), false);
    return ret;

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.vmagent.AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.java

private static void AddDefaultVNetResourceNode(final JsonNode template, final ObjectMapper mapper)
        throws IOException {
    InputStream fragmentStream = null;
    try {//from  w  w  w .j av  a  2  s  .c o  m
        // Add the definition of the vnet and subnet into the template
        final String virtualNetworkName = Constants.DEFAULT_VNET_NAME;
        final String subnetName = Constants.DEFAULT_SUBNET_NAME;
        ObjectNode.class.cast(template.get("variables")).put("virtualNetworkName", virtualNetworkName);
        ObjectNode.class.cast(template.get("variables")).put("subnetName", subnetName);

        // Read the vnet fragment
        fragmentStream = AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.class

        final JsonNode virtualNetworkFragment = mapper.readTree(fragmentStream);
        // Add the virtual network fragment

        // Because we created/updated this in the template, we need to add the appropriate
        // dependsOn node to the networkInterface
        // Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnet name>
        // Find the network interfaces node
        ArrayNode resourcesNodes = ArrayNode.class.cast(template.get("resources"));
        Iterator<JsonNode> resourcesNodesIter = resourcesNodes.elements();
        while (resourcesNodesIter.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode resourcesNode = resourcesNodesIter.next();
            JsonNode typeNode = resourcesNode.get("type");
            if (typeNode == null || !typeNode.asText().equals("Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces")) {
            // Find the dependsOn node
            ArrayNode dependsOnNode = ArrayNode.class.cast(resourcesNode.get("dependsOn"));
            // Add to the depends on node.
                    .add("[concat('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('virtualNetworkName'))]");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e;
    } finally {
        if (fragmentStream != null) {

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.vmagent.AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.java

private static void AddPublicIPResourceNode(final JsonNode template, final ObjectMapper mapper)
        throws IOException {

    final String ipName = "variables('vmName'), copyIndex(), 'IPName'";
    try (InputStream fragmentStream = AzureVMManagementServiceDelegate.class
            .getResourceAsStream(PUBLIC_IP_FRAGMENT_FILENAME)) {

        final JsonNode publicIPFragment = mapper.readTree(fragmentStream);
        // Add the virtual network fragment

        // Because we created/updated this in the template, we need to add the appropriate
        // dependsOn node to the networkInterface and the ipConfigurations properties
        // "[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', variables('vmName'), copyIndex(), 'IPName')]"
        // Find the network interfaces node
        ArrayNode resourcesNodes = ArrayNode.class.cast(template.get("resources"));
        Iterator<JsonNode> resourcesNodesIter = resourcesNodes.elements();
        while (resourcesNodesIter.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode resourcesNode = resourcesNodesIter.next();
            JsonNode typeNode = resourcesNode.get("type");
            if (typeNode == null || !typeNode.asText().equals("Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces")) {
            }/*  w w  w .j  av a  2s. co m*/
            // Find the dependsOn node
            ArrayNode dependsOnNode = ArrayNode.class.cast(resourcesNode.get("dependsOn"));
            // Add to the depends on node.
            dependsOnNode.add("[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/'," + ipName + ")]");

            //Find the ipConfigurations/ipconfig1 node
            ArrayNode ipConfigurationsNode = ArrayNode.class
            Iterator<JsonNode> ipConfigNodeIter = ipConfigurationsNode.elements();
            while (ipConfigNodeIter.hasNext()) {
                JsonNode ipConfigNode = ipConfigNodeIter.next();
                JsonNode nameNode = ipConfigNode.get("name");
                if (nameNode == null || !nameNode.asText().equals("ipconfig1")) {
                //find the properties node
                ObjectNode propertiesNode = ObjectNode.class.cast(ipConfigNode.get("properties"));
                //add the publicIPAddress node
                ObjectNode publicIPIdNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
                        "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', concat(" + ipName + "))]");
                // propertiesNode.putObject("publicIPAddress").put
                propertiesNode.set("publicIPAddress", publicIPIdNode);

From source file:org.wrml.runtime.format.application.schema.json.JsonSchema.java

private void parseExtensions(final ObjectNode rootNode, final SyntaxLoader syntaxLoader) {
    // v3 uses the extends keyword
    if (rootNode.has(PropertyType.Extends.getName())) {
        final JsonNode extendsJsonNode = rootNode.get(PropertyType.Extends.getName());

        if (extendsJsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
            final ArrayNode extendsArrayNode = (ArrayNode) extendsJsonNode;
            final Iterator<JsonNode> elements = extendsArrayNode.elements();
            while (elements.hasNext()) {
                final JsonNode baseSchemaUriNode = elements.next();
                final String baseSchemaUriString = baseSchemaUriNode.asText();
                if (baseSchemaUriString != null && !baseSchemaUriString.isEmpty()) {
                    final URI baseSchemaUri = syntaxLoader.parseSyntacticText(baseSchemaUriString, URI.class);
                    if (baseSchemaUri != null) {
                    }//w  w  w . j  ava  2 s .c  o  m
        } else if (extendsJsonNode instanceof TextNode) {
            final String baseSchemaUriString = extendsJsonNode.asText();
            if (baseSchemaUriString != null && !baseSchemaUriString.isEmpty()) {
                final URI baseSchemaUri = syntaxLoader.parseSyntacticText(baseSchemaUriString, URI.class);
                if (baseSchemaUri != null) {


    // v4 uses the allOf keyword
    if (rootNode.has(PropertyType.AllOf.getName())) {
        final JsonNode allOfJsonNode = rootNode.get(PropertyType.AllOf.getName());

        // This element type MUST be an array
        if (allOfJsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
            final ArrayNode allOfArrayNode = (ArrayNode) allOfJsonNode;
            final Iterator<JsonNode> elements = allOfArrayNode.elements();
            while (elements.hasNext()) {
                final JsonNode schemaNode = elements.next();
                final JsonNode baseSchemaUriNode = schemaNode.get(PropertyType.$Ref.getName());
                if (baseSchemaUriNode != null) {
                    final URI baseSchemaUri = syntaxLoader.parseSyntacticText(baseSchemaUriNode.asText(),
                    if (baseSchemaUri != null) {

From source file:com.appdynamics.analytics.processor.event.ElasticSearchEventService.java

private String[] arrayOfStringsFromNode(ArrayNode sourceNode) {
    /* 1595 */ String[] ary = new String[sourceNode.size()];
    /* 1596 */ Iterator<JsonNode> elements = sourceNode.elements();
    /* 1597 */ int i = 0;
    /* 1598 */ while (elements.hasNext()) {
        /* 1599 */ JsonNode elem = (JsonNode) elements.next();
        /* 1600 */ ary[(i++)] = (elem.isTextual() ? elem.asText() : elem.toString());
        /*      */ }
    /* 1602 */ return ary;
    /*      */ }/*from www.  ja  v  a2s  . c  o m*/

From source file:org.wrml.runtime.schema.generator.SchemaGenerator.java

public Schema generateSchema(final JsonSchema jsonSchema, final URI... baseSchemaUris)
        throws SchemaGeneratorException {

    final URI schemaUri = jsonSchema.getId();
    final Context context = getContext();

    final Schema schema = context.newModel(getSchemaLoader().getSchemaDimensions());
    schema.setUri(schemaUri);//from ww  w. java2  s . co m

    final UniqueName literalUniqueName = JsonSchema.createJsonSchemaUniqueName(schemaUri);
    final String namespace = literalUniqueName.getNamespace();
    final String localName = StringUtils.capitalize(literalUniqueName.getLocalName());
    final UniqueName uniqueName = new UniqueName(namespace, localName);
    final String schemaDescription = jsonSchema.getDescription();
    if (schemaDescription != null) {

    final String schemaTitle = uniqueName.getLocalName();
    if (schemaTitle != null) {

    final Set<URI> baseSchemaUriSet = new HashSet<>();
    if (baseSchemaUris != null) {


    final List<Slot> slots = schema.getSlots();
    final Map<String, JsonSchema.Property> properties = jsonSchema.getProperties();

    for (final String name : properties.keySet()) {

        final JsonSchema.Property property = properties.get(name);

        final Slot slot = context.newModel(Slot.class);

        final String slotDescription = property.getValue(PropertyType.Description);
        if (slotDescription != null) {
        final String slotTitle = property.getValue(PropertyType.Title);
        if (slotTitle != null) {

        final Value value = generateValue(jsonSchema, property);

        if (value == null) {
            throw new SchemaGeneratorException("Failed to generate a Value for slot: " + name, null, this);




    final List<JsonSchema.Link> links = jsonSchema.getLinks();
    for (final JsonSchema.Link jsonSchemaLink : links) {
        final Slot linkSlot = context.newModel(Slot.class);
        final URI linkRelationUri = jsonSchemaLink.getRelId();
        if (linkRelationUri == null) {

        final LinkRelation linkRelation = getContext().getApiLoader().loadLinkRelation(linkRelationUri);
        if (linkRelation == null) {
        final String linkSlotName = linkRelation.getUniqueName().getLocalName();
        if (linkSlotName == null) {


        final LinkValue linkValue = context.newModel(LinkValue.class);

        final URI targetSchemaUri = jsonSchemaLink.getTargetSchemaId();
        if (targetSchemaUri != null) {

        final URI paramSchemaUri = jsonSchemaLink.getSchemaId();


    final ObjectNode rootNode = jsonSchema.getRootNode();
    if (rootNode.has(Schema.SLOT_NAME_KEY_SLOT_NAMES)) {
        final JsonNode keySlotNamesJsonNode = rootNode.get(Schema.SLOT_NAME_KEY_SLOT_NAMES);

        if (keySlotNamesJsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
            final ArrayNode keySlotNamesArrayNode = (ArrayNode) keySlotNamesJsonNode;
            final Iterator<JsonNode> elements = keySlotNamesArrayNode.elements();
            while (elements.hasNext()) {
                final JsonNode keySlotNameJsonNode = elements.next();
                final String keySlotName = keySlotNameJsonNode.asText();

    LOG.debug("Generated WRML Schema from JSON Schema (" + schema.getUri() + "):\n" + schema);

    return schema;


From source file:io.swagger.v3.parser.util.OpenAPIDeserializer.java

public List<SecurityRequirement> getSecurityRequirementsList(ArrayNode nodes, String location,
        ParseResult result) {//from  www.  j a va  2 s .c  o  m
    if (nodes == null)
        return null;

    List<SecurityRequirement> securityRequirements = new ArrayList<>();

    for (JsonNode node : nodes) {
        if (node.getNodeType().equals(JsonNodeType.OBJECT)) {
            SecurityRequirement securityRequirement = new SecurityRequirement();
            Set<String> keys = getKeys((ObjectNode) node);
            if (keys.size() == 0) {
            } else {
                for (String key : keys) {
                    if (key != null) {
                        JsonNode value = node.get(key);
                        if (key != null && JsonNodeType.ARRAY.equals(value.getNodeType())) {
                            ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) value;
                            List<String> scopes = Stream.generate(arrayNode.elements()::next)
                                    .map((n) -> n.asText()).limit(arrayNode.size())
                            securityRequirement.addList(key, scopes);
                if (securityRequirement.size() > 0) {

    return securityRequirements;
