Java com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectReader fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectReader fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectReader.

The text is from its open source code.


TreadTree(JsonParser jp)
Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using configuration of this reader, except that content is bound as JSON tree instead of configured root value type.
JsonNodereadTree(InputStream in)
Method that reads content from given input source, using configuration of this reader, and binds it as JSON Tree.
JsonNodereadTree(Reader r)
Method that reads content from given input source, using configuration of this reader, and binds it as JSON Tree.
JsonNodereadTree(String json)
Method that reads content from given JSON input String, using configuration of this reader, and binds it as JSON Tree.
TreadValue(JsonParser jp)
Method that binds content read using given parser, using configuration of this reader, including expected result type.
TreadValue(InputStream src)
Method that binds content read from given input source, using configuration of this reader.
TreadValue(Reader src)
Method that binds content read from given input source, using configuration of this reader.
TreadValue(String src)
Method that binds content read from given JSON string, using configuration of this reader.
TreadValue(byte[] src)
Method that binds content read from given byte array, using configuration of this reader.
TreadValue(File src)
TreadValue(URL src)
Method that binds content read from given input source, using configuration of this reader.
TreadValue(JsonNode src)
Convenience method for converting results from given JSON tree into given value type.
MappingIteratorreadValues(JsonParser jp)
Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream.
MappingIteratorreadValues(InputStream src)
Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream.
MappingIteratorreadValues(Reader src)
Overloaded version of #readValue(InputStream) .
MappingIteratorreadValues(String json)
Overloaded version of #readValue(InputStream) .
MappingIteratorreadValues(byte[] src)
Overloaded version of #readValue(InputStream) .
MappingIteratorreadValues(File src)
Overloaded version of #readValue(InputStream) .
MappingIteratorreadValues(URL src)
Overloaded version of #readValue(InputStream) .
JsonParsertreeAsTokens(TreeNode n)
TtreeToValue(TreeNode n, Class valueType)
ObjectReaderwith(DeserializationConfig config)
ObjectReaderwith(DeserializationFeature feature)
Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured with specified feature enabled.
ObjectReaderwith(InjectableValues injectableValues)
Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that uses passed InjectableValues to provide injectable values.
ObjectReaderwith(JsonNodeFactory f)
Method for constructing a new reader instance with configuration that uses passed JsonNodeFactory for constructing JsonNode instances.
ObjectReaderwith(JsonFactory f)
Method for constructing a new reader instance with configuration that uses passed JsonFactory for constructing underlying Readers.
ObjectReaderwith(FormatSchema schema)
Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that passes specified FormatSchema to JsonParser that is constructed for parsing content.
ObjectReaderwith(Locale l)
ObjectReaderwith(TimeZone tz)
ObjectReaderwith(Base64Variant defaultBase64)
ObjectReaderwith(ContextAttributes attrs)
ObjectReaderwithType(JavaType valueType)
Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured to data bind into specified type.
ObjectReaderwithType(Class valueType)
Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured to data bind into specified type.
ObjectReaderwithType(java.lang.reflect.Type valueType)
Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured to data bind into specified type.
ObjectReaderwithType(TypeReference valueTypeRef)
Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured to data bind into specified type.