Example usage for com.google.common.collect LinkedHashMultiset create

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect LinkedHashMultiset create


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect LinkedHashMultiset create.


public static <E> LinkedHashMultiset<E> create(Iterable<? extends E> elements) 

Source Link


Creates a new LinkedHashMultiset containing the specified elements.


From source file:com.github.fhirschmann.clozegen.lib.util.MultisetUtils.java

 * Sorts a multiset by its counts and returns a new {@link LinkedHashMultiset}.
 * @param <E> the type of the multiset elements
 * @param multiset to multiset to sort/*  w w  w. ja va  2  s  .  c  om*/
 * @return a new mutable sorted multiset
public static <E> LinkedHashMultiset<E> sortMultiSet(final Multiset<E> multiset) {
    final ImmutableMultiset<E> immutableSet = Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(multiset);
    return LinkedHashMultiset.create(immutableSet);

From source file:com.github.fhirschmann.clozegen.lib.util.MultisetUtils.java

 * Merges two multisets./*w  w  w . j a va2  s  . c  o m*/
 * @param <E> the type of the elements of both multisets
 * @param multiset1 multiset to merge
 * @param multiset2 multiset to merge
 * @return a new merged multiset
public static <E> Multiset<E> mergeMultiSets(final Multiset<E> multiset1, final Multiset<E> multiset2) {
    final Multiset<E> multiset = LinkedHashMultiset.create(multiset1);
    Iterators.addAll(multiset, multiset2.iterator());
    return multiset;

From source file:com.github.rinde.rinsim.pdptw.common.RouteFollowingVehicle.java

 * Change the route this vehicle is following. The route must adhere to the
 * following requirements:/* w  ww.j  av a2 s .  c o m*/
 * <ul>
 * <li>Parcels that have not yet been picked up can at maximum occur twice in
 * the route.</li>
 * <li>Parcels that have been picked up can occur at maximum once in the
 * route.</li>
 * <li>Parcels that are delivered may not occur in the route.</li>
 * </ul>
 * These requirements are <b>not</b> checked defensively! It is the callers
 * responsibility to make sure this is the case. Note that the underlying
 * models normally <i>should</i> throw exceptions whenever a vehicle attempts
 * to revisit an already delivered parcel.
 * <p>
 * In some cases the models do not allow this vehicle to change its route
 * immediately. If this is the case the route is changed the next time this
 * vehicle enters its {@link #waitState}. If
 * {@link #isDelayedRouteChangingAllowed()} is set to <code>false</code> any
 * attempts to do this will result in a runtime exception, in this case the
 * caller must ensure that a route can be changed immediately or call this
 * method at a later time. The situations when the route is changed
 * immediately are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If the vehicle is waiting.</li>
 * <li>If diversion is allowed and the vehicle is not currently servicing.
 * </li>
 * <li>If the current route is empty.</li>
 * <li>If the first destination in the new route equals the first destination
 * of the current route.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param r The route to set. The elements are copied from the
 *          {@link Iterable} using its iteration order.
public void setRoute(Iterable<? extends Parcel> r) {
    final Iterable<Parcel> adjustedRoute = routeAdjuster.adjust(r, this);
    LOGGER.trace("{} setRoute {}", this, adjustedRoute);

    // note: the following checks can not detect if a parcel has been set to
    // multiple vehicles at the same time
    final Multiset<Parcel> routeSet = LinkedHashMultiset.create(adjustedRoute);
    for (final Parcel dp : routeSet.elementSet()) {
        final ParcelState state = getPDPModel().getParcelState(dp);
                "A parcel that is already delivered can not be part of a route. " + "Parcel %s in route %s.",
                dp, adjustedRoute);
        if (state.isTransitionState()) {
            if (state == ParcelState.PICKING_UP) {
                checkArgument(getPDPModel().getVehicleState(this) == VehicleState.PICKING_UP,
                        "When a parcel in the route is in PICKING UP state the vehicle "
                                + "must also be in that state, route: %s.",
                        adjustedRoute, getPDPModel().getVehicleState(this));
            } else {
                checkArgument(getPDPModel().getVehicleState(this) == VehicleState.DELIVERING,
                        "When a parcel in the route is in DELIVERING state the vehicle"
                                + " must also be in that state.");
            checkArgument(getPDPModel().getVehicleActionInfo(this).getParcel() == dp,
                    "A parcel in the route that is being serviced should be serviced by"
                            + " this truck. This truck is servicing %s.",

        final int frequency = routeSet.count(dp);
        if (state.isPickedUp()) {
                    "A parcel that is in cargo state must be in cargo of this " + "vehicle.");
            checkArgument(frequency <= 1, "A parcel that is in cargo may not occur more than once in a route,"
                    + " found %s instance(s) of %s.", frequency, dp, state);
        } else {
            checkArgument(frequency <= 2,
                    "A parcel that is available may not occur more than twice in a "
                            + "route, found %s instance(s) of %s (with state %s). Route: %s.",
                    frequency, dp, state, adjustedRoute);

    final boolean firstEqualsFirst = firstEqualsFirstInRoute(adjustedRoute);
    final boolean divertable = isDiversionAllowed && !stateMachine.stateIs(serviceState);

    if (stateMachine.stateIs(waitState) || route.isEmpty() || divertable || firstEqualsFirst) {
        route = newLinkedList(adjustedRoute);
        newRoute = Optional.absent();
    } else {
                "Diversion is not allowed in current state and delayed route changes "
                        + "are also not allowed, rejected route: %s.",
        newRoute = Optional.of(newLinkedList(adjustedRoute));

From source file:de.bund.bfr.knime.pmmlite.core.PmmUtils.java

public static <T> T getMaxCounted(Collection<T> values) {
    return Collections.max(LinkedHashMultiset.create(values).entrySet(),
            (o1, o2) -> Integer.compare(o1.getCount(), o2.getCount())).getElement();

From source file:com.github.rinde.logistics.pdptw.mas.comm.RtSolverBidder.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "null", "unused" })
void reauction() {
    if (!reauctionsEnabled || assignedParcels.isEmpty()) {
        return;/*  w ww.ja v a  2 s.  co  m*/
    LOGGER.trace("{} Considering a reauction, assignedParcels: {}.", decorator, assignedParcels.size());
    final ImmutableList<Parcel> currentRoute = ImmutableList.copyOf(((Truck) vehicle.get()).getRoute());
    final GlobalStateObject state = solverHandle.get()
    final StatisticsDTO stats = Solvers.computeStats(state, ImmutableList.of(currentRoute));

    final Parcel lastReceivedParcel = Iterables.getLast(assignedParcels);

    if (!reauctioning.get()) {
        // find all swappable parcels, a parcel can be swapped if it is not yet in
        // cargo (it must occur twice in route for that)
        // TODO filter out parcels that will be visited within several seconds
        // (length of auction)
        final Multiset<Parcel> routeMultiset = LinkedHashMultiset.create(currentRoute);
        final Set<Parcel> swappableParcels = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        for (final Parcel ap : assignedParcels) {
            if (!pdpModel.get().getParcelState(ap).isPickedUp()
                    && !pdpModel.get().getParcelState(ap).isTransitionState()
                    && !state.getVehicles().get(0).getDestination().asSet().contains(ap)
                    && !ap.equals(lastReceivedParcel)) {

        final double baseline = objectiveFunction.computeCost(stats);
        double lowestCost = baseline;
        Parcel toSwap = null;

        LOGGER.trace("Compute cost of swapping");
        for (final Parcel sp : swappableParcels) {
            final List<Parcel> newRoute = new ArrayList<>();
            final double cost = objectiveFunction
                    .computeCost(Solvers.computeStats(state, ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.copyOf(newRoute))));
            if (cost < lowestCost) {
                lowestCost = cost;
                toSwap = sp;

        // we have found the most expensive parcel in the route, that is, removing
        // this parcel from the route will yield the greatest cost reduction.
        if (toSwap != null && !reauctioning.get() && !toSwap.equals(lastReceivedParcel)) {

            final Auctioneer<DoubleBid> auct = parcelAuctioneers.get(toSwap);
            if (auct.getLastUnsuccessTime() > 0
                    && state.getTime() - auct.getLastUnsuccessTime() <= reauctionCooldownPeriod) {
                LOGGER.trace("Not reauctioning, was unsuccessful too recently");

            // try to reauction
            LOGGER.trace("Found most expensive parcel for reauction: {}.", toSwap);

            final double bidValue = bidFunction.computeBidValue(currentRoute.size(), lowestCost - baseline);
            final DoubleBid initialBid = DoubleBid.create(state.getTime(), decorator, toSwap, bidValue);

            auct.auctionParcel(decorator, state.getTime(), initialBid, new Listener() {
                public void handleEvent(Event e) {

From source file:com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.Solvers.java

static GlobalStateObject fixRoutes(GlobalStateObject state) {
    boolean firstVehicle = true;
    final ImmutableList.Builder<VehicleStateObject> vehicleList = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (int i = 0; i < state.getVehicles().size(); i++) {
        final VehicleStateObject vso = state.getVehicles().get(i);

        final List<Parcel> route = new ArrayList<>(vso.getRoute().get());
        final Multiset<Parcel> routeContents = LinkedHashMultiset.create(route);
        for (final Parcel p : routeContents.elementSet()) {
            if (vso.getContents().contains(p)) {
                // should occur only once
                if (routeContents.count(p) > 1) {
                    // remove
                    route.remove(p);//from   w  w  w .j a va2  s  . co m
                    checkArgument(routeContents.count(p) == 2);
            } else {
                // should occur twice
                if (routeContents.count(p) < 2) {
                } else {
                    checkArgument(routeContents.count(p) == 2);

        if (firstVehicle) {
            final Set<Parcel> unassigned = GlobalStateObjects.unassignedParcels(state);
            firstVehicle = false;

        vehicleList.add(VehicleStateObject.create(vso.getDto(), vso.getLocation(), vso.getContents(),
                vso.getRemainingServiceTime(), vso.getDestination().orNull(), ImmutableList.copyOf(route)));

    return GlobalStateObject.create(state.getAvailableParcels(), vehicleList.build(), state.getTime(),
            state.getTimeUnit(), state.getSpeedUnit(), state.getDistUnit());