Java Maps fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java Maps fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for Maps.

The text is from its open source code.


ConverterasConverter(final BiMap bimap)
Returns a Converter that converts values using BiMap#get bimap.get() , and whose inverse view converts values using BiMap#inverse bimap.inverse() .get() .
MapasMap(Set set, Function function)
Returns a live Map view whose keys are the contents of set and whose values are computed on demand using function .
SortedMapasMap(SortedSet set, Function function)
Returns a view of the sorted set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the specified function.
NavigableMapasMap(NavigableSet set, Function function)
Returns a view of the navigable set as a map, mapping keys from the set according to the specified function.
MapDifferencedifference(Map left, Map right)
Computes the difference between two maps.
SortedMapDifferencedifference(SortedMap left, Map right)
Computes the difference between two sorted maps, using the comparator of the left map, or Ordering.natural() if the left map uses the natural ordering of its elements.
MapDifferencedifference(Map left, Map right, Equivalence valueEquivalence)
Computes the difference between two maps.
MapfilterEntries(Map unfiltered, Predicate> entryPredicate)
Returns a map containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate.
SortedMapfilterEntries(SortedMap unfiltered, Predicate> entryPredicate)
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate.
NavigableMapfilterEntries(NavigableMap unfiltered, Predicate> entryPredicate)
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate.
BiMapfilterEntries(BiMap unfiltered, Predicate> entryPredicate)
Returns a bimap containing the mappings in unfiltered that satisfy a predicate.
MapfilterKeys(Map unfiltered, final Predicate keyPredicate)
Returns a map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate.
SortedMapfilterKeys(SortedMap unfiltered, final Predicate keyPredicate)
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate.
NavigableMapfilterKeys(NavigableMap unfiltered, final Predicate keyPredicate)
Returns a navigable map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate.
BiMapfilterKeys(BiMap unfiltered, final Predicate keyPredicate)
Returns a bimap containing the mappings in unfiltered whose keys satisfy a predicate.
MapfilterValues(Map unfiltered, final Predicate valuePredicate)
Returns a map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate.
SortedMapfilterValues(SortedMap unfiltered, final Predicate valuePredicate)
Returns a sorted map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate.
NavigableMapfilterValues(NavigableMap unfiltered, final Predicate valuePredicate)
Returns a navigable map containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate.
BiMapfilterValues(BiMap unfiltered, final Predicate valuePredicate)
Returns a bimap containing the mappings in unfiltered whose values satisfy a predicate.
ImmutableMapfromProperties(Properties properties)
Creates an ImmutableMap from a Properties instance.
EntryimmutableEntry(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value)
Returns an immutable map entry with the specified key and value.
ImmutableMapimmutableEnumMap(Map map)
Returns an immutable map instance containing the given entries.
Returns a general-purpose instance of ConcurrentMap , which supports all optional operations of the ConcurrentMap interface.
EnumMapnewEnumMap(Class type)
Creates an EnumMap instance.
EnumMapnewEnumMap(Map map)
Creates an EnumMap with the same mappings as the specified map.
Creates a mutable, empty HashMap instance.
HashMapnewHashMap(Map map)
Creates a mutable HashMap instance with the same mappings as the specified map.
HashMapnewHashMapWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize)
Creates a HashMap instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth.
Creates an IdentityHashMap instance.
Creates a mutable, empty, insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap instance.
LinkedHashMapnewLinkedHashMap(Map map)
Creates a mutable, insertion-ordered LinkedHashMap instance with the same mappings as the specified map.
LinkedHashMapnewLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize)
Creates a LinkedHashMap instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth.
Creates a mutable, empty TreeMap instance using the natural ordering of its elements.
TreeMapnewTreeMap(SortedMap map)
Creates a mutable TreeMap instance with the same mappings as the specified map and using the same ordering as the specified map.
TreeMapnewTreeMap(@Nullable Comparator comparator)
Creates a mutable, empty TreeMap instance using the given comparator.
BiMapsynchronizedBiMap(BiMap bimap)
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) bimap backed by the specified bimap.
NavigableMapsynchronizedNavigableMap(NavigableMap navigableMap)
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable map backed by the specified navigable map.
ImmutableMaptoMap(Iterable keys, Function valueFunction)
Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of keys and whose value for each key was computed by valueFunction .
ImmutableMaptoMap(Iterator keys, Function valueFunction)
Returns an immutable map whose keys are the distinct elements of keys and whose value for each key was computed by valueFunction .
MaptransformEntries(Map fromMap, EntryTransformer transformer)
Returns a view of a map whose values are derived from the original map's entries.
SortedMaptransformEntries(SortedMap fromMap, EntryTransformer transformer)
Returns a view of a sorted map whose values are derived from the original sorted map's entries.
NavigableMaptransformEntries(NavigableMap fromMap, EntryTransformer transformer)
Returns a view of a navigable map whose values are derived from the original navigable map's entries.
MaptransformValues(Map fromMap, Function function)
Returns a view of a map where each value is transformed by a function.
SortedMaptransformValues(SortedMap fromMap, Function function)
Returns a view of a sorted map where each value is transformed by a function.
NavigableMaptransformValues(NavigableMap fromMap, Function function)
Returns a view of a navigable map where each value is transformed by a function.
ImmutableMapuniqueIndex(Iterable values, Function keyFunction)
Returns a map with the given values , indexed by keys derived from those values.
ImmutableMapuniqueIndex(Iterator values, Function keyFunction)
Returns a map with the given values , indexed by keys derived from those values.
BiMapunmodifiableBiMap(BiMap bimap)
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified bimap.
NavigableMapunmodifiableNavigableMap(NavigableMap map)
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified navigable map.