Example usage for com.google.common.collect Maps newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Maps newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Maps newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize.


public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(int expectedSize) 

Source Link


Creates a LinkedHashMap instance, with a high enough "initial capacity" that it should hold expectedSize elements without growth.


From source file:cn.edu.zjnu.acm.judge.util.URIBuilder.java

private URIBuilder(String path, Map<String, String[]> query) {
    this.path = path;
    this.query = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(query.size());

From source file:org.ambraproject.rhino.content.xml.ManifestXml.java

private static <T, K> ImmutableMap<K, T> mapByUniqueKeys(Collection<? extends T> values,
        Function<T, K> keyFunction, Function<K, String> parentDescription) {
    Map<K, T> map = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(values.size());
    for (T value : values) {
        K key = Objects.requireNonNull(keyFunction.apply(Objects.requireNonNull(value)));
        T previous = map.put(key, value);
        if (previous != null) {
            throw new ManifestDataException(parentDescription.apply(key));
        }/*from www.  j  a  v  a2s.co  m*/
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(map);

From source file:org.eclipse.che.workspace.infrastructure.docker.environment.convert.ComposeEnvironmentConverter.java

public DockerEnvironment convert(InternalEnvironment environment) throws ValidationException {
    if (!(environment instanceof ComposeEnvironment)) {
        throw new ValidationException("The specified environment is not compose environment");
    }//  ww  w .jav  a  2 s.  c  om
    ComposeEnvironment composeEnv = (ComposeEnvironment) environment;

    LinkedHashMap<String, DockerContainerConfig> containers = Maps
    for (Map.Entry<String, ComposeService> composeServiceEntry : composeEnv.getServices().entrySet()) {
        ComposeService service = composeServiceEntry.getValue();

        DockerContainerConfig cheContainer = new DockerContainerConfig().setCommand(service.getCommand())

        if (service.getBuild() != null) {
            cheContainer.setBuild(new DockerBuildContext().setContext(service.getBuild().getContext())

        containers.put(composeServiceEntry.getKey(), cheContainer);
    return new DockerEnvironment(environment.getRecipe(), environment.getMachines(), environment.getWarnings())

From source file:io.bazel.rules.closure.webfiles.Webset.java

 * Loads graph of web files from proto manifests.
 * @param manifests set of web rule target proto files in reverse topological order
 * @return set of web files and relationships between them, which could be mutated, although
 *     adding a single key will most likely result in a full rehash
 *///from  w w w . ja  v  a2  s.  c  o m
public static Webset load(Map<Path, WebfileManifestInfo> manifests, WebpathInterner interner) {
    int webfileCapacity = 0;
    int unlinkCapacity = 16; // LinkedHashMultimap#DEFAULT_KEY_CAPACITY
    for (WebfileManifestInfo manifest : manifests.values()) {
        webfileCapacity += manifest.getWebfileCount();
        unlinkCapacity = Math.max(unlinkCapacity, manifest.getUnlinkCount());
    Map<Webpath, Webfile> webfiles = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(webfileCapacity);
    Multimap<Webpath, Webpath> links = LinkedHashMultimap.create(webfileCapacity, 4);
    Multimap<Webpath, Webpath> unlinks = LinkedHashMultimap.create(unlinkCapacity, 4);
    for (Map.Entry<Path, WebfileManifestInfo> entry : manifests.entrySet()) {
        Path manifestPath = entry.getKey();
        Path zipPath = WebfilesUtils.getIncrementalZipPath(manifestPath);
        WebfileManifestInfo manifest = entry.getValue();
        String label = manifest.getLabel();
        for (WebfileInfo info : manifest.getWebfileList()) {
            Webpath webpath = interner.get(info.getWebpath());
            webfiles.put(webpath, Webfile.create(webpath, zipPath, label, info));
        for (MultimapInfo mapping : manifest.getLinkList()) {
            Webpath from = interner.get(mapping.getKey());
            for (Webpath to : Iterables.transform(mapping.getValueList(), interner)) {
                // When compiling web_library rules, if the strict dependency checking invariant holds
                // true, we can choose to only load adjacent manifests, rather than transitive ones. The
                // adjacent manifests may contain links to transitive web files which will not be in the
                // webfiles map.
                if (webfiles.containsKey(to)) {
                    links.put(from, to);
                    checkArgument(!unlinks.containsEntry(from, to),
                            "Has a use case for resurrected links been discovered? %s -> %s", from, to);
        for (MultimapInfo mapping : manifest.getUnlinkList()) {
                    Collections2.transform(mapping.getValueList(), interner));
    for (Map.Entry<Webpath, Webpath> entry : unlinks.entries()) {
        links.remove(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    return new AutoValue_Webset(webfiles, links, interner);

From source file:com.google.gerrit.metrics.Description.java

 * Describe a metric.//w  ww.  j  a va2 s .  c  o m
 * @param helpText a short one-sentence string explaining the values captured by the metric. This
 *     may be made available to administrators as documentation in the reporting tools.
public Description(String helpText) {
    annotations = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(4);
    annotations.put(DESCRIPTION, helpText);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.core.select.impl.SelectorFactory.java

 * Creates a {@link Selector} by converting a given map.
 * @param rawAttributes a map with attributes represented in a format produced by build file
 *     parsers (i.e. non-coerced.)/*from w ww .ja va  2  s  .c  om*/
 * @param elementTypeCoercer coercer that is used to coerce values of the given map
public <T> Selector<T> createSelector(CellPathResolver cellPathResolver, ProjectFilesystem filesystem,
        Path pathRelativeToProjectRoot, Map<String, ?> rawAttributes, TypeCoercer<T> elementTypeCoercer,
        String noMatchMessage) throws CoerceFailedException {
    LinkedHashMap<SelectorKey, T> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(rawAttributes.size());
    Set<SelectorKey> nullConditions = new HashSet<>();
    boolean foundDefaultCondition = false;
    for (Entry<String, ?> entry : rawAttributes.entrySet()) {
        String key = entry.getKey();
        SelectorKey selectorKey;
        if (key.equals(SelectorKey.DEFAULT_KEYWORD)) {
            foundDefaultCondition = true;
            selectorKey = SelectorKey.DEFAULT;
        } else {
            selectorKey = new SelectorKey(buildTargetTypeCoercer.coerce(cellPathResolver, filesystem,
                    pathRelativeToProjectRoot, EmptyTargetConfiguration.INSTANCE, key));
        if (entry.getValue() == Runtime.NONE) {
        } else {
            result.put(selectorKey, elementTypeCoercer.coerce(cellPathResolver, filesystem,
                    pathRelativeToProjectRoot, EmptyTargetConfiguration.INSTANCE, entry.getValue()));

    return new Selector<>(ImmutableMap.copyOf(result), ImmutableSet.copyOf(nullConditions), noMatchMessage,

From source file:com.google.javascript.jscomp.NameBasedDefinitionProvider.java

public NameBasedDefinitionProvider(AbstractCompiler compiler, boolean allowComplexFunctionDefs) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.allowComplexFunctionDefs = allowComplexFunctionDefs;
    int numInputs = compiler.getNumberOfInputs();
    // Estimates below were generated by experimentation with large Google projects.
    this.definitionsByName = LinkedHashMultimap.create(numInputs * 15, 1);
    int estimatedDefinitionSites = numInputs * 22;
    this.definitionSitesByDefinitionSiteNode = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(estimatedDefinitionSites);
    this.definitionSitesByScopeNode = HashMultimap.create(estimatedDefinitionSites, 1);
    this.definitionNodes = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(estimatedDefinitionSites);

From source file:org.apache.bookkeeper.server.http.service.ListBookieInfoService.java

public HttpServiceResponse handle(HttpServiceRequest request) throws Exception {
    HttpServiceResponse response = new HttpServiceResponse();

    if (HttpServer.Method.GET == request.getMethod()) {
        ClientConfiguration clientConf = new ClientConfiguration(conf);
        BookKeeper bk = new BookKeeper(clientConf);

        Map<BookieSocketAddress, BookieInfoReader.BookieInfo> map = bk.getBookieInfo();
        if (map.size() == 0) {
            bk.close();/*from  w w  w . j  a v  a 2  s .c  o  m*/
            response.setBody("Not found any Bookie info.");
            return response;

         * output:
         *  {
         *    "bookieAddress" : {free: xxx, total: xxx}",
         *    "bookieAddress" : {free: xxx, total: xxx},
         *    ...
         *    "clusterInfo" : {total_free: xxx, total: xxx}"
         *  }
        LinkedHashMap<String, String> output = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(map.size());
        Long totalFree = 0L, total = 0L;
        for (Map.Entry<BookieSocketAddress, BookieInfoReader.BookieInfo> infoEntry : map.entrySet()) {
            BookieInfoReader.BookieInfo bInfo = infoEntry.getValue();
                    ": {Free: " + bInfo.getFreeDiskSpace() + getReadable(bInfo.getFreeDiskSpace()) + ", Total: "
                            + bInfo.getTotalDiskSpace() + getReadable(bInfo.getTotalDiskSpace()) + "},");
            totalFree += bInfo.getFreeDiskSpace();
            total += bInfo.getTotalDiskSpace();
        output.put("ClusterInfo: ", "{Free: " + totalFree + getReadable(totalFree) + ", Total: " + total
                + getReadable(total) + "}");


        String jsonResponse = JsonUtil.toJson(output);
        LOG.debug("output body:" + jsonResponse);
        return response;
    } else {
        response.setBody("Not found method. Should be GET method");
        return response;

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.android.AndroidDataDeserializer.java

private void readEntriesSegment(KeyValueConsumers consumers, InputStream in, FileSystem currentFileSystem,
        Header header) throws IOException {
    int numberOfEntries = header.getEntryCount();
    Map<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ? extends DataValue>> keys = Maps
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) {
        SerializeFormat.DataKey protoKey = SerializeFormat.DataKey.parseDelimitedFrom(in);
        if (protoKey.hasResourceType()) {
            FullyQualifiedName resourceName = FullyQualifiedName.fromProto(protoKey);
            keys.put(resourceName, resourceName.isOverwritable() ? consumers.overwritingConsumer
                    : consumers.combiningConsumer);
        } else {/* w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2  s.  co  m*/
            keys.put(RelativeAssetPath.fromProto(protoKey, currentFileSystem), consumers.assetConsumer);

    // Read back the sources table.
    DataSourceTable sourceTable = DataSourceTable.read(in, currentFileSystem, header);

    // TODO(corysmith): Make this a lazy read of the values.
    for (Entry<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ?>> entry : keys.entrySet()) {
        SerializeFormat.DataValue protoValue = SerializeFormat.DataValue.parseDelimitedFrom(in);
        DataSource source = sourceTable.sourceFromId(protoValue.getSourceId());
        int nameCount = source.getPath().getNameCount();
        String shortPath = source.getPath().subpath(nameCount - 2, nameCount).toString();
        if (filteredResources.contains(shortPath)) {
            // Skip files that were filtered out during analysis.
            // TODO(asteinb): Properly filter out these files from android_library symbol files during
            // analysis instead, and remove this list.
        if (protoValue.hasXmlValue()) {
            // TODO(corysmith): Figure out why the generics are wrong.
            // If I use Map<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ? extends DataValue>>, I can put
            // consumers into the map, but I can't call consume.
            // If I use Map<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ? super DataValue>>, I can consume
            // but I can't put.
            // Same for below.
            KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue> value = (KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue>) entry
            value.consume(entry.getKey(), DataResourceXml.from(protoValue, source));
        } else {
            KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue> value = (KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue>) entry
            value.consume(entry.getKey(), DataValueFile.of(source));

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.android.AndroidParsedDataDeserializer.java

private void readEntriesSegment(KeyValueConsumers consumers, InputStream in, FileSystem currentFileSystem,
        Header header) throws IOException {
    int numberOfEntries = header.getEntryCount();
    Map<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ? extends DataValue>> keys = Maps
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) {
        SerializeFormat.DataKey protoKey = SerializeFormat.DataKey.parseDelimitedFrom(in);
        if (protoKey.hasResourceType()) {
            FullyQualifiedName resourceName = FullyQualifiedName.fromProto(protoKey);
            keys.put(resourceName, resourceName.isOverwritable() ? consumers.overwritingConsumer
                    : consumers.combiningConsumer);
        } else {/*w  w w .j a  va2 s .c  om*/
            keys.put(RelativeAssetPath.fromProto(protoKey, currentFileSystem), consumers.assetConsumer);

    // Read back the sources table.
    DataSourceTable sourceTable = DataSourceTable.read(in, currentFileSystem, header);

    // TODO(corysmith): Make this a lazy read of the values.
    for (Map.Entry<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ?>> entry : keys.entrySet()) {
        SerializeFormat.DataValue protoValue = SerializeFormat.DataValue.parseDelimitedFrom(in);
        DataSource source = sourceTable.sourceFromId(protoValue.getSourceId());
        // Compose the `shortPath` manually to ensure it uses a forward slash.
        // Using Path.subpath would return a backslash-using path on Windows.
        String shortPath = source.getPath().getParent().getFileName() + "/" + source.getPath().getFileName();
        if (filteredResources.contains(shortPath) && !Files.exists(source.getPath())) {
            // Skip files that were filtered out during analysis.
            // TODO(asteinb): Properly filter out these files from android_library symbol files during
            // analysis instead, and remove this list.
        if (protoValue.hasXmlValue()) {
            // TODO(corysmith): Figure out why the generics are wrong.
            // If I use Map<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ? extends DataValue>>, I can put
            // consumers into the map, but I can't call accept.
            // If I use Map<DataKey, KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, ? super DataValue>>, I can consume
            // but I can't put.
            // Same for below.
            KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue> value = (KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue>) entry
            value.accept(entry.getKey(), DataResourceXml.from(protoValue, source));
        } else {
            KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue> value = (KeyValueConsumer<DataKey, DataValue>) entry
            value.accept(entry.getKey(), DataValueFile.of(source));