Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multiset size

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multiset size


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multiset size.


int size();

Source Link


Returns the number of elements in this collection.


From source file:org.simmetrics.metrics.Math.java

static <T> Multiset<T> union(Multiset<T> a, Multiset<T> b) {
    // Lager set first for performance improvement.
    // See: MathCaliper
    if (a.size() < b.size()) {
        return Multisets.union(b, a);
    }//from w ww .  jav a 2  s  .  c  o m

    return Multisets.union(a, b);

From source file:org.simmetrics.metrics.Math.java

static <T> Multiset<T> intersection(Multiset<T> a, Multiset<T> b) {
    // Smaller set first for performance improvement.
    // See: MathCaliper
    if (a.size() < b.size()) {
        return Multisets.intersection(a, b);
    }// w ww  .  j  a  v  a  2s .c om

    return Multisets.intersection(b, a);

From source file:org.apache.mahout.math.stats.LogLikelihood.java

 * Compares two sets of counts to see which items are interestingly over-represented in the first
 * set./*from  ww w. j a v a  2 s  . co  m*/
 * @param a  The first counts.
 * @param b  The reference counts.
 * @param maxReturn  The maximum number of items to return.  Use maxReturn >= a.elementSet.size() to return all
 * scores above the threshold.
 * @param threshold  The minimum score for items to be returned.  Use 0 to return all items more common
 * in a than b.  Use -Double.MAX_VALUE (not Double.MIN_VALUE !) to not use a threshold.
 * @return  A list of scored items with their scores.
public static <T> List<ScoredItem<T>> compareFrequencies(Multiset<T> a, Multiset<T> b, int maxReturn,
        double threshold) {
    int totalA = a.size();
    int totalB = b.size();

    Ordering<ScoredItem<T>> byScoreAscending = new Ordering<ScoredItem<T>>() {
        public int compare(ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem, ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem1) {
            return Double.compare(tScoredItem.score, tScoredItem1.score);
    Queue<ScoredItem<T>> best = new PriorityQueue<ScoredItem<T>>(maxReturn + 1, byScoreAscending);

    for (T t : a.elementSet()) {
        compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);

    // if threshold >= 0 we only iterate through a because anything not there can't be as or more common than in b.
    if (threshold < 0) {
        for (T t : b.elementSet()) {
            // only items missing from a need be scored
            if (a.count(t) == 0) {
                compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);

    List<ScoredItem<T>> r = Lists.newArrayList(best);
    Collections.sort(r, byScoreAscending.reverse());
    return r;

From source file:io.ssc.trackthetrackers.analysis.stats.LogLikelihood.java

 * Compares two sets of counts to see which items are interestingly over-represented in the first
 * set.//from  www  .j  a  va  2s  .  co  m
 * @param a  The first counts.
 * @param b  The reference counts.
 * @param maxReturn  The maximum number of items to return.  Use maxReturn >= a.elementSet.size() to return all
 * scores above the threshold.
 * @param threshold  The minimum score for items to be returned.  Use 0 to return all items more common
 * in a than b.  Use -Double.MAX_VALUE (not Double.MIN_VALUE !) to not use a threshold.
 * @return  A list of scored items with their scores.
public static <T> List<ScoredItem<T>> compareFrequencies(Multiset<T> a, Multiset<T> b, int maxReturn,
        double threshold) {
    int totalA = a.size();
    int totalB = b.size();

    Ordering<ScoredItem<T>> byScoreAscending = new Ordering<ScoredItem<T>>() {
        public int compare(ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem, ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem1) {
            return Double.compare(tScoredItem.score, tScoredItem1.score);
    Queue<ScoredItem<T>> best = new PriorityQueue<ScoredItem<T>>(maxReturn + 1, byScoreAscending);

    for (T t : a.elementSet()) {
        compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);

    // if threshold >= 0 we only iterate through a because anything not there can't be as or more common than in b.
    if (threshold < 0) {
        for (T t : b.elementSet()) {
            // only items missing from a need be scored
            if (a.count(t) == 0) {
                compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);

    List<ScoredItem<T>> r = new ArrayList<ScoredItem<T>>(best);
    Collections.sort(r, byScoreAscending.reverse());
    return r;

From source file:com.scaleunlimited.cascading.ml.LogLikelihood.java

 * Compares two sets of counts to see which items are interestingly
 * over-represented in the first set./*w  w w .j  av a 2  s  . c o m*/
 * @param a
 *            The first counts.
 * @param b
 *            The reference counts.
 * @param maxReturn
 *            The maximum number of items to return. Use maxReturn >=
 *            a.elementSet.size() to return all scores above the threshold.
 * @param threshold
 *            The minimum score for items to be returned. Use 0 to return
 *            all items more common in a than b. Use -Double.MAX_VALUE (not
 *            Double.MIN_VALUE !) to not use a threshold.
 * @return A list of scored items with their scores.
public static <T> List<ScoredItem<T>> compareFrequencies(Multiset<T> a, Multiset<T> b, int maxReturn,
        double threshold) {
    int totalA = a.size();
    int totalB = b.size();

    Ordering<ScoredItem<T>> byScoreAscending = new Ordering<ScoredItem<T>>() {
        public int compare(ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem, ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem1) {
            return Double.compare(tScoredItem.score, tScoredItem1.score);
    Queue<ScoredItem<T>> best = new PriorityQueue<ScoredItem<T>>(maxReturn + 1, byScoreAscending);

    for (T t : a.elementSet()) {
        compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);

    // if threshold >= 0 we only iterate through a because anything not
    // there can't be as or more common than in b.
    if (threshold < 0) {
        for (T t : b.elementSet()) {
            // only items missing from a need be scored
            if (a.count(t) == 0) {
                compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);

    List<ScoredItem<T>> r = Lists.newArrayList(best);
    Collections.sort(r, byScoreAscending.reverse());
    return r;

From source file:org.onebusaway.nyc.vehicle_tracking.impl.particlefilter.ParticleFilter.java

 * Low variance sampler. Follows Thrun's example in Probabilistic Robots.
 * @throws ParticleFilterException //from w  ww. j a  v  a  2  s.c  o m
public static Multiset<Particle> lowVarianceSampler(Multiset<Particle> particles, double M)
        throws BadProbabilityParticleFilterException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(particles.size() > 0);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(M > 0);

    final Multiset<Particle> resampled = HashMultiset.create((int) M);
    final double r = ParticleFactoryImpl.getLocalRng().nextDouble() / M;
    final Iterator<Particle> pIter = particles.iterator();
    Particle p = pIter.next();
    double c = p.getLogNormedWeight() - FastMath.log(particles.count(p));
    for (int m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
        final double U = FastMath.log(r + m / M);
        while (U > c && pIter.hasNext()) {
            p = pIter.next();
            c = LogMath.add(p.getLogNormedWeight() - FastMath.log(particles.count(p)), c);

    if (resampled.size() != M)
        throw new BadProbabilityParticleFilterException("low variance sampler did not return a valid sample");

    return resampled;

From source file:io.prestosql.tests.QueryAssertions.java

public static void assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(Iterable<?> actual, Iterable<?> expected, String message) {
    assertNotNull(actual, "actual is null");
    assertNotNull(expected, "expected is null");

    ImmutableMultiset<?> actualSet = ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(actual);
    ImmutableMultiset<?> expectedSet = ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(expected);
    if (!actualSet.equals(expectedSet)) {
        Multiset<?> unexpectedRows = Multisets.difference(actualSet, expectedSet);
        Multiset<?> missingRows = Multisets.difference(expectedSet, actualSet);
        int limit = 100;
        fail(format(/*from www .j a va 2s  .  c o  m*/
                "%snot equal\n" + "Actual rows (up to %s of %s extra rows shown, %s rows in total):\n    %s\n"
                        + "Expected rows (up to %s of %s missing rows shown, %s rows in total):\n    %s\n",
                message == null ? "" : (message + "\n"), limit, unexpectedRows.size(), actualSet.size(),
                Joiner.on("\n    ").join(Iterables.limit(unexpectedRows, limit)), limit, missingRows.size(),
                expectedSet.size(), Joiner.on("\n    ").join(Iterables.limit(missingRows, limit))));

From source file:org.simmetrics.metrics.EuclideanDistance.java

public float compare(Multiset<T> a, Multiset<T> b) {

    if (a.isEmpty() && b.isEmpty()) {
        return 1.0f;
    }/*from  w  ww .j  ava 2  s. c  o  m*/

    float maxDistance = (float) sqrt((a.size() * a.size()) + (b.size() * b.size()));
    return 1.0f - distance(a, b) / maxDistance;

From source file:org.javafunk.matchbox.implementations.HasOnlyItemsInAnyOrderMatcher.java

protected boolean matchesSafely(final Iterable<E> actualItems, Description description) {
    boolean matches = true;
    final Multiset<E> actualMultiset = HashMultiset.create(actualItems);

    description.appendText("got ");

    if (actualMultiset.size() > 0) {
        description.appendValueList("", ", ", "", actualItems);
    } else {//from   www  . ja v  a2  s.c  om
        description.appendText("empty collection");
        if (expectedMultiset.size() != 0) {
            return false;

    if (actualMultiset.size() != expectedMultiset.size()) {
        description.appendText("\n").appendText("got collection with size ").appendValue(actualMultiset.size())
                .appendText(" rather than ").appendValue(expectedMultiset.size());
        matches = false;

    if (checkForDifferences(expectedMultiset, actualMultiset, description, "expected but didn't get ")) {
        matches = false;
    if (checkForDifferences(actualMultiset, expectedMultiset, description, "got but didn't expect ")) {
        matches = false;

    return matches;

From source file:org.javafunk.matchbox.implementations.HasOnlyItemsInAnyOrderMatcher.java

private boolean checkForDifferences(Multiset<E> expectedSet, Multiset<E> actualSet, Description description,
        String message) {//from  w  w w .j av  a  2s  .c o  m
    Multiset<E> differences = HashMultiset.create(expectedSet);
    for (E item : actualSet) {
    if (differences.size() > 0) {
        description.appendText("\n").appendText(message).appendValueList("", ", ", "", differences);
        return true;
    return false;