Example usage for com.google.common.net InternetDomainName parent

List of usage examples for com.google.common.net InternetDomainName parent


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.net InternetDomainName parent.


public InternetDomainName parent() 

Source Link


Returns an InternetDomainName that is the immediate ancestor of this one; that is, the current domain with the leftmost part removed.


From source file:google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils.java

 * Returns the canonicalized TLD part of a valid fully-qualified domain name by stripping off the
 * leftmost part.//from   ww  w. ja va2s  . c om
 * <p>This function is compatible with multi-part TLDs and should not be called with subdomains.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no TLD
public static String getTldFromDomainName(InternetDomainName domainName) {
    checkArgument(domainName.hasParent(), "secondLevelDomainName does not have a TLD");
    return domainName.parent().toString();

From source file:google.registry.model.registry.Registries.java

 * Returns TLD which the domain name or hostname falls under, no matter how many levels of
 * sublabels there are./*from www .  jav a2s  .  c  o m*/
 * <p><b>Note:</b> This routine will only work on names under TLDs for which this registry is
 * authoritative. To extract TLDs from domains (not hosts) that other registries control, use
 * {@link google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils#getTldFromDomainName(String)
 * DomainNameUtils#getTldFromDomainName}.
 * @param domainName domain name or host name (but not TLD) under an authoritative TLD
 * @return TLD or absent if {@code domainName} has no labels under an authoritative TLD
public static Optional<InternetDomainName> findTldForName(InternetDomainName domainName) {
    ImmutableSet<String> tlds = getTlds();
    while (domainName.hasParent()) {
        domainName = domainName.parent();
        if (tlds.contains(domainName.toString())) {
            return Optional.of(domainName);
    return Optional.absent();

From source file:uk.bl.wa.extract.LinkExtractor.java

private static ImmutableList.Builder<String> parentLevels(InternetDomainName internetDomainName) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<String> levels;

    if (internetDomainName.hasParent()) {
        levels = parentLevels(internetDomainName.parent());
    } else {/*from  ww w  . j  a va 2s.co m*/
        levels = ImmutableList.builder();

    return levels;

From source file:google.registry.model.registry.label.ReservedList.java

 * Returns true if the given label and TLD is reserved for an anchor tenant, and the given
 * auth code matches the one set on the reservation.
 *//*from   ww  w.  j a  va  2  s  .  c  o m*/
public static boolean matchesAnchorTenantReservation(InternetDomainName domainName, String authCode) {
    ReservedListEntry entry = getReservedListEntry(domainName.parts().get(0), domainName.parent().toString());
    return entry != null && entry.reservationType == RESERVED_FOR_ANCHOR_TENANT
            && Objects.equals(entry.getAuthCode(), authCode);

From source file:google.registry.flows.domain.DomainPricingLogic.java

 * Checks whether an LRP token String maps to a valid {@link LrpTokenEntity} for the domain name's
 * TLD, and return that entity (wrapped in an {@link Optional}) if one exists.
 * <p>This method has no knowledge of whether or not an auth code (interpreted here as an LRP
 * token) has already been checked against the reserved list for QLP (anchor tenant), as auth
 * codes are used for both types of registrations.
 */// w ww  .  ja  v  a  2 s.  co  m
public static Optional<LrpTokenEntity> getMatchingLrpToken(String lrpToken, InternetDomainName domainName) {
    // Note that until the actual per-TLD logic is built out, what's being done here is a basic
    // domain-name-to-assignee match.
    if (!lrpToken.isEmpty()) {
        LrpTokenEntity token = ofy().load().key(Key.create(LrpTokenEntity.class, lrpToken)).now();
        if (token != null && token.getAssignee().equalsIgnoreCase(domainName.toString())
                && token.getRedemptionHistoryEntry() == null
                && token.getValidTlds().contains(domainName.parent().toString())) {
            return Optional.of(token);
    return Optional.<LrpTokenEntity>absent();

From source file:google.registry.flows.host.HostFlowUtils.java

/** Checks that a host name is valid. */
static InternetDomainName validateHostName(String name) throws EppException {
    checkArgumentNotNull(name, "Must specify host name to validate");
    if (name.length() > 253) {
        throw new HostNameTooLongException();
    }// w w w .  j  a va  2  s  .c o  m
    String hostNameLowerCase = Ascii.toLowerCase(name);
    if (!name.equals(hostNameLowerCase)) {
        throw new HostNameNotLowerCaseException(hostNameLowerCase);
    try {
        String hostNamePunyCoded = Idn.toASCII(name);
        if (!name.equals(hostNamePunyCoded)) {
            throw new HostNameNotPunyCodedException(hostNamePunyCoded);
        InternetDomainName hostName = InternetDomainName.from(name);
        if (!name.equals(hostName.toString())) {
            throw new HostNameNotNormalizedException(hostName.toString());
        // Checks whether a hostname is deep enough. Technically a host can be just one under a
        // public suffix (e.g. example.com) but we require by policy that it has to be at least one
        // part beyond that (e.g. ns1.example.com). The public suffix list includes all current
        // ccTlds, so this check requires 4+ parts if it's a ccTld that doesn't delegate second
        // level domains, such as .co.uk. But the list does not include new tlds, so in that case
        // we just ensure 3+ parts. In the particular case where our own tld has a '.' in it, we know
        // that there need to be 4 parts as well.
        if (hostName.isUnderPublicSuffix()) {
            if (hostName.parent().isUnderPublicSuffix()) {
                return hostName;
        } else {
            // We need to know how many parts the hostname has beyond the public suffix, but we don't
            // know what the public suffix is. If the host is in bailiwick and we are hosting a
            // multipart "tld" like .co.uk the publix suffix might be 2 parts. Otherwise it's an
            // unrecognized tld that's not on the public suffix list, so assume the tld alone is the
            // public suffix.
            Optional<InternetDomainName> tldParsed = findTldForName(hostName);
            int suffixSize = tldParsed.isPresent() ? tldParsed.get().parts().size() : 1;
            if (hostName.parts().size() >= suffixSize + 2) {
                return hostName;
        throw new HostNameTooShallowException();
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new InvalidHostNameException();

From source file:google.registry.flows.domain.ClaimsCheckFlow.java

public EppResponse run() throws EppException {
    extensionManager.validate();/*from  w  w  w . j  a  v a  2 s .c  o m*/
    List<String> targetIds = ((Check) resourceCommand).getTargetIds();
    verifyTargetIdCount(targetIds, maxChecks);
    Set<String> seenTlds = new HashSet<>();
    ImmutableList.Builder<LaunchCheck> launchChecksBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
    for (String targetId : ImmutableSet.copyOf(targetIds)) {
        InternetDomainName domainName = validateDomainName(targetId);
        String tld = domainName.parent().toString();
        // Only validate access to a TLD the first time it is encountered.
        if (seenTlds.add(tld)) {
            checkAllowedAccessToTld(clientId, tld);
            Registry registry = Registry.get(tld);
            if (!isSuperuser) {
                DateTime now = clock.nowUtc();
                verifyNotInPredelegation(registry, now);
                if (registry.getTldState(now) == TldState.SUNRISE) {
                    throw new ClaimsCheckNotAllowedInSunrise();
                verifyClaimsPeriodNotEnded(registry, now);
        String claimKey = ClaimsListShard.get().getClaimKey(domainName.parts().get(0));
                .add(LaunchCheck.create(LaunchCheckName.create(claimKey != null, targetId), claimKey));
    return responseBuilder
            .setOnlyExtension(LaunchCheckResponseExtension.create(CLAIMS, launchChecksBuilder.build())).build();

From source file:google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.java

/** Returns an enum that encodes how and when this name is reserved in the current tld. */
static ReservationType getReservationType(InternetDomainName domainName) {
    // The TLD should always be the parent of the requested domain name.
    return getReservation(domainName.parts().get(0), domainName.parent().toString());

From source file:google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.java

 * Returns name of first matching IDN table for domain label.
 * @throws InvalidIdnDomainLabelException if IDN table or language validation failed
 * @see #validateDomainName(String)//  ww w  .  j  a va2 s .c o  m
static String validateDomainNameWithIdnTables(InternetDomainName domainName)
        throws InvalidIdnDomainLabelException {
    Optional<String> idnTableName = findValidIdnTableForTld(domainName.parts().get(0),
    if (!idnTableName.isPresent()) {
        throw new InvalidIdnDomainLabelException();
    return idnTableName.get();

From source file:org.archive.crawler.prefetch.HostQuotaEnforcer.java

protected boolean shouldProcess(CrawlURI curi) {
    String uriHostname = serverCache.getHostFor(curi.getUURI()).getHostName();
    if (getApplyToSubdomains() && InternetDomainName.isValid(host) && InternetDomainName.isValid(uriHostname)) {
        InternetDomainName h = InternetDomainName.from(host);
        InternetDomainName uriHostOrAncestor = InternetDomainName.from(uriHostname);
        while (true) {
            if (uriHostOrAncestor.equals(h)) {
                return true;
            }/*from  w  ww  .  j av a  2  s  .  co  m*/
            if (uriHostOrAncestor.hasParent()) {
                uriHostOrAncestor = uriHostOrAncestor.parent();
            } else {

        return false;
    } else {
        return serverCache.getHostFor(curi.getUURI()) == serverCache.getHostFor(host);
